Goku's Clouded Mind

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As soon as Goku left with Roshi he felt sad, he wanted to be able to hug you goodbye since he wasn't going to see you for a few days. He had gotten attached to you so quickly, he was worried you would be upset with him for leaving, but he knew you would understand why he had to leave and help his sensei.

Krillin was already there when Goku arrived.

"Oi Goku! Hey how's it going?!"

"Hey Krillin, it's going okay how about you?"

"Good, good my daughter is almost 3 now" he says pulling out a picture to show him.

"Wow, she's so big already"

"How about you Goku, any love interest? Huh, huh?" he said elbowing him.

Goku giggled at that "Well I met this new girl recently who crazily enough ended up being a Saiyan!"

"Wow, to think there are more like you out there, is she pretty?"

"Extremely pretty, she's amazing Krillin"

"Well sounds good so what's the problem?"

"Well, you know how things went with Chi Chi, I don't know how to explain my feelings to her, and I'm afraid I'm going to lose her...I-I don't want to lose her Krillin"

"Goku, just take the time to look into yourself and figure out your feelings, if you're strong enough to fight off Frieza and his men you are strong enough to do this too Goku, I believe in you and I'm sure this Saiyan girl does as well."

"Thanks, Krillin, you've always been a great friend"

As the week went on Goku thought about Krillin's words, they were similar to what you were always telling him. Every night as he laid down to sleep his mind would think of you. He missed the interactions you two had, he missed your touch. He replayed the morning you invited him to sleep next to you repeatedly. He wished he could be back in bed with you cuddling, he craved the touch of your skin again and the smell of you he couldn't forget it "lavender".

Goku had been away for about 7 days now, he had collected all the Dragon balls and had taken out a good number of the army Roshi's nemesis had put together. Yet this damn bastard kept coming back with more people until finally he came himself.

"Goku, Krillin, he is finally here, let's end this once and for all!" Roshi said.

"Hai!" they both yelled in unison.

Goku was getting beat as he stayed in his normal form, so he powered up to Super Saiyan. In the meantime, Roshi and Krillin were fighting off his guards he brought with him.

"You fool, even with your power up you are no match for me! I am going to kill you and then go and find anyone you have ever cared about, and I will torture them until they beg me to kill them. Hahahah and I will tell them it was all your fault for being so weak!"

This infuriated Goku, all he could think about was you, and if this man was going to lay a finger on you, he was going to end him here and now. Goku transformed to Super Saiyan 3 and powered up his Kamehameha launching it at him. The guy had no chance after that, the rest of his army retreated leaving Master Roshi's island for good.

"Wow Goku that was pretty powerful, you've gotten even stronger" Krillin said.

"Ha yeah I guess so"

"You, ok Goku?"

"Yeah, just excited to get back to Y/N now, I think I know exactly what to tell her and I can't wait."

"Good luck! Let me know how it goes! Maybe we can double date sometime"

"That would be awesome, ...if it works out"

"From what you've told me, I'm sure she loves you too Goku"

"Ha yeah... wait I never said I loved her..."

Krillin giggled "Haha, you didn't have too the way you talk about her told me"

Master Roshi came over boys "Thank you two very much for aiding an old man like me"

"Anytime Jii-chan, now I have to get going, I can't wait to get home!" he said waving goodbye. He sensed your energy and IT'd directly to you.

"There she is, she looks so beautiful" he said as he walked over towards you not knowing the chaos that was about to unfold.

Vegeta x Goku x Reader: Trapped in the MiddleWhere stories live. Discover now