Chapter 7- Suspected

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Author's note : Thank you for continuing to read this story. I have rewatched Dickensian and I am in great pain, so I'll probably write "happy Arthur" more in the next few days. Enjoy :)

Oliver touched the back of his head, since it was hurting so much. The vision of the quantity of blood falling from it terrified him. Suddenly, he remembered everything. How this lady led him into a trap, how his damn brother was probably behind all of this.

He looked around. He was in a small cell. Why the hell would he be in prison ? It made no sense.
He sat down, tired and his head still hurting him.
When he heard someone's footsteps, Oliver instantly got up and started screaming and hitting the walls for the person to notice him.
He has dozens of questions, the first one being "What am I doing here ?" Yet, he did not need to ask it.

Before he could talk, the man on the other side of the bars did.
-I am terribly sorry we had to...immobilize you that way, Mr Compeyson.
-No, you're not. Who are you ?
-My name is Inspector Bucket, from the Detective. I believe you don't know what this is, so I'll explain.

He was cut off by Oliver.

-I know what a damn detective is, he shouted. Do you think I'm stupid ? Now, why is the police arresting me ?
-Do you know a man called Jacob Marley ?
-No. Never heard of him. I'm not even from here.
-I know that, Mr Compeyson.

Oliver quivered. He disliked his last name : it reminded him of Meriwether.
Come to think of it, how did this Bucket know his name ?

-How do you know my name ?
- A witness told me.
-A witness of what, bloody hell ? What crime did I commit ? I need to get out of here, somebody's waiting for me.
-A wife ?
Oliver involuntarily frowned. A wife ? He had never imagined having someone in his life. Especially a woman.

-No. A...a friend. Will you stop talking and answer my damn question ?
-Should I stop talking, or answer your questions ?
-Just answer me.
-Fine. You, Oliver Compeyson, have been arrested for the murder of Jacob Marley.

-What ?! That's...that's not true ! Who's your witness ? I bet it's my brother. This piece of sh-

-Mr Compeyson. Please remain calm. What were you doing on Christmas between 8:30 and 10:00 ?

Oliver thought. He arrived on Christmas Day. So that night he was drinking...with Meriwether.

-Drinking, Oliver said, with my brother. All night.
-That's not exactly what he said to me. He said you drank together but you wanted to go out for a walk, alone. You left at 9:00 and returned half an hour later, if I recall ?
-He said that ? I barely remember that night, but I'm sure he's lying.
Arthur cried silently, as he heard Compeyson behind him getting dressed.
-Arthur. Get up, you're pathetic.

He did not move. Meriwether walked to him and, just as he was ready to force him to wake up, he heard loud banging at the door. When he opened it, he was not surprised to see a man leading a group of men in uniforms.

-Where's Arthur Havisham ?
-He...went out for a walk.
-I'm right there, Arthur said loudly.

The man came in to see Arthur in his bed, eyes still swollen and red .
-What do you want ?
-A suspect wants to see you, Mr Havisham. Oliver Compeyson. I believe he used the term 'friend'.

Friend. Hearing Oliver had called him his 'friend' warmed his heart, but filled him with a frustration he could not explain. Maybe it was because he saw Oliver as not just a 'friend'.

-Fine. Give me a minute to get dressed.


Arthur arrived running to the door, biting his lips from stress while he waited for the inspector to open it. When Meriwether told him he had got Oliver arrested, Arthur thought he would never see him again.

The door opened to a tired Oliver, sitting on the floor, using the wall as a backrest, his head in his hands.

-Can you leave us alone for a moment ? Arthur asked. As a response, Mr Bucket got out and closed the door behind him.

-Oliver ! I thought- I thought I'd never see you again.
Oliver remained silent.
-I'm going to get you out of here, believe me, Arthur said.
He turned his head to show Arthur his wound. -Did they do this to you ? This inspector ?
-No, Oliver answered. Meriwether did. Can't you see, Arthur ? Can't you see how determined he is to separate us ?! I don't want you to get hurt. Just go. Don't talk to me or my brother again. Tell your sister the truth and then, perhaps you'll be safe.

-I can't believe you would suggest such a thing. I'm not going without you, Arthur declared.

He sat down and brought Oliver's chin close to him, so he could look in his eyes.

-I... You're important to me, Oliver. I'm not going to leave you.
-Promise ?
-Promise. Now, I'm going to talk with this inspector and I'm going to prove you're innocent. I can't lose you.

For the first time in his whole life, Oliver felt something new. Love.

Mr Bucket smiled as he had watched the whole scene by the tiny window.

Arthur Havisham x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now