Chapter 2-Memories

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Author's note : I couldn't find any information about Arthur's room but lets say it's above the three cripples, as it is where Arthur and jaggers forces Compeyson to write his letter.

Im sorry if this is just basic english, i'm french so i'm not that good.

Thank you for reading :)

Oliver woke up, in some sort of small room. He tried to remember the events who had happened the day before, but the alcohol stopped him from remembering completely.
He only knew he met his brother again in the evening, and the two started drinking a lot, which caused Oliver to accept Meriwether's help and to stay in his room.
He opened his eyes to see his brother getting dressed.
« -Where are you going ? He said, not entirely awake yet.
-Visiting a friend. You can stay here, sleep a little more. The trip must have been tiring. And when you'll want to get up, you can borrow my clothes.
-Stop pretending you care, Oliver said, knowing very well Meriwether did not care a little bit about how he felt. »
At the moment where his brother closed the door, Oliver got up and quickly got dressed.
The last time he had dressed so elegant was at his father's funeral. He closed his eyes, making the memories go away. If he wanted to truly see what Meriwether was up to, he needed to hurry. He knew that his brother often was involved in criminal businesses and that he often harmed people.
Oliver was determined to not let him hurt people again.
He finished getting dressed then got out of the room. In the street, he spotted his brother entering the tavern he met Arthur Havisham in. Oliver followed him, waited 20 seconds to walk up the stairs, anxious Meriwether would hear him.
When he arrived to the door his brother had entered just seconds ago, he put his ear against it, hoping to hear something. And he did.
A voice, who was not Meriwether's, spoke.
"-I know her. She will expect me to be there for lunch.
-Which, my dear Havisham, is precisely why you won't be going, said Meriwether."
Oliver paused to think. Was it possible that his brother was talking to Arthur Havisham, the man he had met just one day ago ?
"-It's Christmas Day, retorqued Arthur."
At that moment, Oliver was seized with an uncontrollable cough. It didn't last long but it was enough for the two men to realize that someone was spying on them.
Oliver stood in front of the door, incapable to move, as Meriwether opened it.
He gave his brother a death stare.
-What are you doing here ?
Oliver couldn't figure out some lie to get out of this situation.
Meriwether grabbed his brother by his collar.
-Did you follow me ?
Then, Arthur's voice spoke up.
-Who is it, Compeyson ?
Meriwether forced Oliver to enter the room and threw him on the ground, despite his protestations.
Oliver looked at his brother, who was grinning. Suddenly, a childhood memory invaded his mind.
They were children, at that time. Meriwether had stolen the wallet of a rich man and an old villager was being blamed for it. Oliver liked this man, so he told the policemen his brother did it.
Meriwether had managed to escape them, and took revenge on his little brother by beating him up. Oliver had almost died that day. He remembered the grin on his brother's face, while he was screaming to stop and that he was sorry.
It was the same grin he had at that moment.

Arthur Havisham's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"-Oh. You, again.
-Yes, again, Oliver said. Meriwether, let me go.
-I have to make sure you're not going to repeat that to anyone.
Meriwether put one knee down and brought his brother to him by his collar. -I want you to tell me exactly what you heard. -Almost nothing, I swear! Let me go, you piece of shit, Oliver exclaimed.
His voice was weak, because of his brother who prevented him from breathing

Meriwether snapped. He got up and started kicking him. Oliver looked at Arthur, with a pleading look, begging for help. Arthur hesitated for a second, before turning his head away trying to ignore the scene.

Oliver started begging his brother to stop, screaming in pain.
He was in so much pain that tears started to fall from his eyes. He knew he was going to pass out soon, overwhelmed with pain.

When he did pass out, Meriwether stopped. -He's not dead, is he ? Arthur asked. -No.

Arthur Havisham x Male ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang