Another throw away

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An: im running out of ideas and the other storys just turning into me ranting and projecting onto Ayanokoji

This draft isn't finished and hasn't be beta read so mistakes are in this


When he was staying with his handler in new york he remembered this kind old woman in the hotels lobby as they where leaving.

"Your going to grow so handsomely!" The woman had sprouted, as she laid her hands across his suit jacket.

He remembered his handlers hands resting high against his shoulders when she pulled hers away. He remembered the cold cufflinks when they made contact with his neck. The way the woman's dress seemed to flow when she took up as they both chatted.

He remembered how tight the woman's smile got when his handlers commented on how similar that mans and his features have gotten already.

He remembers seeing the woman while with his father at the gala. How quickly her kind smile switched when they made eye contact.

Like a flip if a switch.

Or like a coin.


There were times at school in the school mall district he caught the excited whispers of female classmates to their friends.

"Have you seen that blond guy from class 2B?"

"Oh my god did you see the 2A girl he's dating?"

"Ugh, no way. They have to just be friends."

"They went on a date last Friday."

He's reminded of the woman he meet in the hotel room when he caught the girls expression at her friends comment.

How quickly she changed her opinion on the student.

How quickly she switched sides.


He thinks its normal for people to switch sides when realizing something is useful.

Be it something small as someone being smarter in a subject to do group assignments on, or something bigger like switching your options on something when offerer money.

It was normal to be used by someone when your useful.

He had gotten used to this fact.


"You seemed distracted." A voiced called as they settled besides his parchment. He wasn't. He had heard their steps approaching as the rain picked up from his shelter.

"Student president, I didn't expect you to go out without an umbrella today." He commented as the older boy shrugged off his school blazer.

"The same can be said to you." Was the quick reply he got at his comment.

The president was as useful as him he had remembered. He didn't back down from challenges and more certainly took his duties seriously. The concealing was to help students understand. Was to be used.

"Pardon my rudeness president but may i ask," he started, eyeing the way the blazer was folded into the other boys bag and grabbing at a handkerchief to wipe off some droplets clinging to the thin frames for his glasses.

He didn't miss the way the boys eyes flickered to his for a moment before going back to patting at the glass.

"How did...adults praise you growing up?" He finished.

"That is a peculiar question to ask." The older boy commented

"My apologies, it was rude of me to ask in the first place." He stated as he settled his hands inside the pockets of his pants.

It was silent for a while as they both watched the rain harshly settle into the pathway to the dormitories.

"You must of been praised quite a bit in your youth for you academic knowledge." The president stated, breaking the silence as the rain seemed to beat harsher.

A quite affirmative hum greeted the older boy before they answered, "I wasn't praised as a child."

He meet the older boys gaze as it snapped towards him, "when i was....i was quickly retracted as soon as it appeared."


"They where always mild but even those didn't last long."

He returned his gaze back towards the rain as the wind slightly picked up. He wanted to let the water soak his body but he couldn't. He would quickly regret it as the wind settled in a cooled his skin.

"But they were still praise all the dame weren't they?" The older boy commented as he settled the frames back onto the bridge of his nose.

He gave a hum as a response, "yes, they were, but they weren't anything to hold close to my heart in the end. After all they were always wishing for something afterwards in the end."

He didn't turn as the other man looked towards him once again. He didn't dwell in the emotion that flickered in the other mans eyes at his statement. He didn't know what it was after all.

"Ayanokoji-kun might i ask a question of my own?" The other man asked as he watched a few students make run by towards to dormitories, in hope they make it before the rain rises once more.

"It is only fair I suppose." He commented back turning his neck to gaze towards the other man.

The same emotion he didn't understand was still swimming inside the others eyes. What was it?

"What is your reason for being here? At this school. You don't wish for the benefits of class A, I'm sure of that." The boy spoke, jaw tightening as he seemed to choice his next words.

But nothing came.

"What makes you think i don't care for the employment benefit student president?" He asked.

"You are not someone who would meed it in the end." was the quick snap he got in response.

It was true in more way then one. After all the moment he was put of this school, on or out of his own freewill, he would be forced back onto the path he had escaped from in the first place.

"I wanted to learn." He decided on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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