Start from the beginning

Next Morning -
I opened my eyes to a ray of sunlight hitting my face directly.... I didn't realise I had fallen asleep..... I got up stretching my body and turned around to look over at Y/n.....

Wait.... Where did she go??? Did she leave me to die in here for what I had done the previous night while she drove off with my car??? Well not my car but a rented one...

I rushed out to see the car with Y/n in the driver's seat.... I ran upto her huffing.... "Y/n, what's up with you early in the morning??? You might not be feeling well so let me drive" I suggested.....

"The last time you drove me, I ended up panicking and praying for my life with you lending us both in a dire situation leading to a series of unwanted events.... So either you get in or stay here until you rot and die for all I care...." She said not looking at me for once....

I knew her well by then, and if I had said another word to counter her, she wouldn't have hesitated to drive away.... She was a woman of her words.... Arguing at that point would've only harmed me.... I politely hopped in.....

But dayummm... That mouth of hers is poisonous... Talk about killing somebody with your words...

Y/n's POV:
We were on the highway, only a few kilometres away from the city.... It would've probably taken 2-2½ hours more to reach, I can't wait any longer to get back home...... I needed to collect myself together and become the Y/n, the world knew me for.... I, obviously, couldn't let Jungkook know where I lived.... Except for Uncle Jones, nobody has ever seen my house.... I had always been a lone wolf... Distant and restricted within the walls I had built around myself.... I couldn't let anybody in...

I didn't want to look at him anymore.... He made me sick..... Although he saved my life last night but didn't forget he was the only one my life was in jeopardy for in the first place.... So that was his responsibility....

"Ummm... Y/n.... Can I just say that I'm extremely sorry for what I did last night.... Not only about putting both of our lives in peril but also for....uhhh.... Misbehaving with you..."

I looked ahead pressing on the accelerator and tightening my grip on the wheel... My jaw ticked trying to control my anguish.

"Please talk to me... I swear I ju----"

"Will you just shut up and let me drive??? I don't wanna hear any of your bullshit... And if I hear another word, consider yourself dead..." I warned him.

The whole ride was silent thereafter... A couple of hours later, I halted the car in an area where only few people could be seen.... I stepped out and so did Jungkook....

"Why did you stop the car, Y/n???" he asked...... I didn't say a word but hurled the key towards him and he caught it immediately.... He was confused.... "You want me to drive now??? Sure.." he said.....

He opened the door for me while I walked pass him.....He began screaming and running towards me, "Y/n.......... Y/n.......... Where are you going??... This place looks so empty and bleak.... Could be dangerous..... What's wrong with you???? I'm sorry but I didn't utter anything... Y/n.... Please...." He pleaded.

"Go home..... And get ready for the shoot in 2 days...." I said firmly looking straight in the direction and still walking....

"What..... Aren't you going to like terminate the contract??" he asked clearly shocked.... I gave him a death stare and began walking faster.... Hoping he didn't follow me anymore.... I was sure he wouldn't....

Jungkook's POV:
She disappeared in an eerie alley.... No wonder she lived nearby... That kind of place was just perfect for her... She was no less than a ghost herself....

I went back to my car and drove away.... I was still astounded why she hadn't ended our contract.... She wasn't the type to tolerate bullshit.... Was I in trouble??? Or was I simply overthinking??? Whatever.... I was still gonna shoot....

I reached my hotel and contacted my team.... They were worried as fuck... I lied to them about my disappearance last night.... I said I had lost my phone and was somewhere in the city enjoying.... They of course gave me a good lecture but I got away with it.... I just prayed Y/n wouldn't reveal anything.... Or else HYBE Labels would've dismembered me and my hyungs would kill me...

I freshened up and got in my bed still thinking about her..... And slowly, I dozed off.....

Mr. Jone's POV:
I was informed from the company that Y/n had left her car in the driveway and drove with Jungkook to see the location, and I was supposed to deliver the car to her house.... Also she had taken leave for 2 days straight and cancelled all the scheduled meetings.....

All those were nothing like, Y/n.... She had worked even if she was ill... Was she not in her house last night??? Well I couldn't have known because she had always shut down all her devices before leaving the office and would turn on the next morning to avoid any disturbances and tracking.... That was the reason nobody but me knew where she lived..... What was up with her???..... But one thought provoked me with fear and concern....................
"What is going on in your mind, Y/n??? What are you planning to destroy this time???"........



To be continued............

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