Chapter four

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(A/N  sorry for all the delays, I should be writing more regularly now, but the chapters are going to be shorter.)

Robinpaw lay in her nest, restless and unable to sleep. She twitched and blinked and finally made up her mind to sneak out. She slipped out of the den and through the dirt-place tunnel. The forest loomed up before her, menacing and unfamiliar in the darkness. I can't let some stupid trees scare me if I'm going to be a warrior. She slid into the trees and began to run, letting her paws carry her through the moonlit woods.

She burst from the trees, beyond clan territory she was free from all her worries. She looked around her and, spying an old two-leg barn she raced for it. Climbing up the old support beams, she leapt up into the old loft.

 "I don't usually get disturbed when I come here." The voice from the shadows made her jump. "Wh-who are you?!" She stammered nearly falling down, "Why are you here?" she smelled a clan scent that she hadn't noticed before. Skyclan. "Keep your fur on, I won't hurt you. I'm Rufflepaw, by the way." The cat said as she slipped out of the shadows. She was gorgeous. Her pale grey fur glowed in the moonlight and her deep blue eyes were pools of curiosity. "Why are you here"

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