Spring 5th - Year 1

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You sat at Gus's for the first time since you got to the village. You had written your order down for the lady working from behind the counter. She tried her best to sign for you, causing a small chuckle to come out from you. You thanked her and sipped on your drink as you waited for some food to finish.

You felt breath on the back of your neck and you rubbed it just assuming someone was passing by since it was a busy night. It was no more than a second when you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. You looked over at a man who looked decently frustrated. He must've been trying to get your attention, and of course you didn't realize. It also seemed he hadn't either as he talked asking if you were ignoring him, your eyes on his mouth as you read his lips, moving slowly but a bit punctual. You turned your back to him, writing on a napkin. He leaned over your shoulder and the embarrassment grew on his face as he read the words, "Sorry, I'm Deaf."

You lifted the napkin to show him but he had already seen and was apologizing relentlessly. His face said it all, red and blushing from embarrassment. You pat his shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. It wasn't the first time someone thought you were ignoring them on purpose, but it was at least relieving to see that he didn't double down like some do.

He sat down next to you making sure to face you when talking. "I just wanted to meet you, introduce myself to the new farmer in town." He ran his fingers through his long hair. "I'm Elliot, it's a pleasure to meet you." 

You smiled and nodded, "Hello Elliot, so are you always trying to pick fights?" You asked as clearly as you could, pairing it with some sign. Your voice strained easily, so you only truly spoke directly when it came to children or for the fun of the freak out moment.

Elliot didn't disappoint you, his face expressing more and more shock every second. You watched as he covered his mouth and let out some type of verbal expression of shock to match his expression.

A woman went up to him to check in. She knocked her braided hair over her shoulder as she came to investigate the scene. "I'm sorry, I'll remove my friend here if you'd like."

You shook his head and turned, seeing your spaghetti placed in front of you. You thanked the lady behind her counter and started eating. Through the corner of your eye you could see the girl dragging her friend away and back to their table. 

The pasta was on your mind now though. The pasta mixed with the red tomato sauce and meatballs was just what your body needed after a long week of clearing up the farm and planting parsnips. You were pretty sore, your lousy corporate life seeming a bit more desirable compared to your aching back and arms.

You removed your glasses once you finished eating and cleaned them. You brushed the bangs out of your face as you placed the glasses back on. Standing up you fixed the skirt you wore so as to not be indecent. 

"Have a goodnight, Farmer Sir." The girl from behind the counter said to you as she handed you the bill.

You thanked her once again as you paid for the meal.

Building a life (Male!Farmer) - Stardew Valley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now