Chapter 12. Finding the Stalker

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Chapter 12. Finding the Stalker.

Tee was going through his notes for the next quiz after the lunch break. It was only Wednesday, and 2 more days to go to bear this shit.

He, Copter and Thanitt, they were exhausted. Sleepless nights and tiring days. They had no pattern to sleep, eat or study. Infact all they would do was read read and read. Sometimes they would just slump down on their books, mentally drained.

"Two more days Guys..". Thanitt managed to pull off himself to sit on the chair.

"4 fucking quizes Thanitt". Copter groaned. Tee was just murmuring something inaudible. He was too tired to even speak. 35% in the exam for these quizes was the only force to keep him going on.

"Okay. Move your asses now. Last revision and then we have to go to class". Somehow Thanitt used his bossy tone to push them to the last quiz of the day so that they could crash at one of their's places for next session.

"Tee. What happened love"? Tae was worried about Tee and his friends who were walking like zombies.

"Am hungryyyy". Tee whined, putting his head on Tee's arm.

"I knew it baby. See i brought you guys food. Come". He gestured them all in the park just outside the university. He had not much time too due to his lab works otherwise their home was near too.

"Finalllyyyyy". Copter licked his fingers gulping the food quickly. They all felt energized after a good meal.

"Seriously Tae. Thank you man". Thanitt heaved a deep sigh. Fooooooodddd. His whole body felt alive.

"Its okay guys. This is all i can do. I can understand how tough the schedule is. Right Tee. Tee.. Babyy". Tae turned to Tee and smiled to see Tee sleeping cutely on his shoulder.

"Aowh. He is sleeping". Thanitt smiled. Tae softly caressed his face. He had dark circles under his beautiful eyes. He sat still, keeping him close in his arms, comfortable enough, not to break his sleep.

"You free now"? Copter asked Tae.

"I have around 30 minutes to go". Tae replied watching the time.

"Here. Let me take care of him". Thanitt stood up but Tae shook his head.

"Let him. I can manage. He will be disturbed if shifted". Thanitt looked at Tae with amused expressions. They kept a low conversation for a while until Tee shuffled and fluttered open his eyes.

"Ohh. I fell asleep". He rubbed his eyes. "You must be late. You should have woke me up Tae".

"Ssshhhh. Its okay Love. I still have 10 minutes to reach my faculty. How about you go home now hmmm"? He racked Tee hair's with his fingers.

"I guess Tee we can survive the morning quiz. How about we all gather at 7 in the evening for noon quiz". Thanitt suggested. Copter agreed too.

The morning quiz was comparatively easier. And they could manage it.

"Is that so? Its 2 in the noon. Go and sleep at home. You can have a refreshing sleep for the next preperation. What say". Tae suggested too and they all agreed after pondering for a while.

Tae bid his bye to Tee, with lots of instructions. Not to attend any unknown call or anyone on the door. He requested Thanitt and Copter to call Tee before going to their place for saftey. Tee agreed and Tae went to his faculty as Copter offered to drop Tee to their apartment.

Tee was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Forgetting everything outside the room. His eyes opened at the loud blare on the phone.

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