Chapter 14 Jealousy over Hot Chocolate

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Uraraka smiled as Midoriya and herself sat down at a table for two inside of the newfound café, Ocha-noki.

The two sat in comfortable silence as they took in the scenery.

Uraraka looked around. There were two large glass windows at the front. Sunlight seeped through them giving the café a warm mood.

The café was calming in a way she hadn't anticipated. It strangely reminded her of home.

She smiled to herself as she drew her eyes to Midoriya. "Deku-kun, this place is incredible!"

Midoriya fiddled with his hands and awkwardly smiled. "I agree. I-it reminds me of my Mom's apartment. There's just something about the café that's so..."

Uraraka's smile turned to a grin as she responded. "Homey?"

Midoriya let out a small sigh he didn't know he had. "Yeah, that's the gist."

Uraraka opened her mouth to speak again but was interrupted by a waitress arriving at their table with her gaze locked on a little note pad in her hand, writing as fast as she could.

"Welcome to Ocha-noki, how may I-". She cuts herself off as she looks up. "Oh, hey Izuku. I didn't realize you were here."

Uraraka was taken aback by the casual use of Midoriya's first name from this woman she had never seen.

Midoriya chuckled and spoke before Uraraka could. "Hey, Marin-chan. How are you today?"

Uraraka silently sighed after being cut off twice within such a short amount of time. With that, she listened intently.

The waitress, now revealed to be Marin, responded with a soft smile. "I'm doing just fine, Izuku. How's UA? Are you kicking just as much ass as the last time we spoke?"

Uraraka felt... Off, hearing this Marin speak to Midoriya the way she was. It was an almost angry feeling that Uraraka couldn't describe.

Taking a better look at the woman, suddenly interested in her, Uraraka noticed Marin was an all around beautiful woman, one their age, with chest length blonde hair that faded to a peach color, and incredible dynamic pink eyes.

Midoriya laughed wholeheartedly. "I might be, who knows."

Marin's smile turned smug as she turned to Uraraka. "And who is this?"

Uraraka lifted her hand to shake, with her pinky tucked in her hand. "Ochako Uraraka. What's your name?"

Marin shook her hand. "Marin Kitagawa. Nice to meet you". She glanced at Midoriya. "Are you on a date, my Knight in shining armor?"

Uraraka managed to speak, albeit a little aggressively. "Knight in shining armor? What do you mean by that?"

Marin chuckled as Midoriya clarified, ignoring the 'date' part of the question. "Marin-chan, I told you to stop calling me that". He turned to Uraraka. "Once, I saved her from some robber who pulled her in an alley. It's how I met her, actually."

Marin coed as a grin presented itself on her face. "It was terrifying. I was grabbed and shoved. I thought I was going to be killed! But then, in a mass of green, The man was down alongside his gun. He was incredible!"

Uraraka rose in her seat slightly, the feeling from earlier getting stronger. "W-well! Deku-kun has saved me plenty more times than that!". She turned to a now confused Midoriya. "Remember the first training exercise? A-and the... Uh..." She trailed off, the thought of training exercises reminding her of the most recent combat training.

Midoriya tilted his head. "I-I suppose, yeah. Why do you bring it up?"

Uraraka went red in slight embarrassment. She really didn't know why she had said that.

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