Chapter 8 A Little Tomfoolery

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Uraraka laid in her bed. Her alarm blared from the nightstand next to her. "Mrmm shut up!" She said as she hit the stop button and got up for her day.

As she clothed herself for school she thought about Midoriya and what had happened the morning prior.

She honestly didn't know how she let herself get as heated as she did. Midoriya was the reason she knew but thinking about that would only heat her more. She sighed.

"Ugh why didn't we talk about it! Now it's just going to be awkward again." She said to herself. During the school day and after they hadn't spoken once. That was familiar. Damn.

Uraraka finished combing her hair and looked at herself in the mirror. She had to make a move. If she knew Midoriya then she knew that he probably wouldn't be able to ask her out on his own.

She stood up and left her room with her belongings.

That's what she liked about him though. His shyness. How humble he was despite his ability. Unfortunately that meant that she probably couldn't rely on him to ask her on a date. She supposed she had to move first. As scary as that was.

Scratch it being scary. She was absolutely terrified at the thought of asking him out but she would if it meant they could be together. Uraraka just hoped that he actually liked her.

Uraraka walked out of the elevator into the Commons Room to see the normal tired and happy classmates she loved going about their morning as usual.

She had gotten up late on purpose due to staying up the night before so Midoriya and Iida were already back from their jog and were talking at the Island in the Kitchen.

She smiled while watching Midoriya talk. He looked so happy talking to Iida.

Uraraka wondered what the boys were talking about. Probably heroes she figured. Midoriya did truly have a one track mind when it came to their choice of career after all.

Uraraka walked into the kitchen to grab breakfast. Midoriya was so focused on his conversation with Iida that he didn't notice her arrival. It didn't bother her though.

"Yesterday I realized that my legs are stronger than my arms so they can take more impact. I tested it and they can take up to eight percent jumps without injury! Isn't that cool Iida-san!" Midoriya beamed.

"Called it!" Uraraka thought to herself with a chuckle.

Iida laughed. "Yes, that is incredible Midoriya-san. I have been working on..."

Uraraka began to zone the boys out as she gathered ingredients for cereal.

Once she finished she realized that Midoriya still hadn't noticed her.

If she was going to break the awkward tension between them she had to act like it wasn't there and start conversation normally. The other day it worked and history would hopefully repeat itself.

She snuck up behind Midoriya and mischievously put her entire hand on the back of his head and in the process turning him weightless.

Midoriya jolted and jumped out of his seat and into the air. "Uuaaaahh!" He said confused.

Uraraka started laughing and grabbed his shirt before he could hit the ceiling. He slowly started to come down due to the weight of his clothes and shoes.

Uraraka disabled her quirk and Midoriya landed on his feet, still confused.

Iida spoke out. "Uraraka-san! Why would you commit such tomfoolery this early in the morning!"

Bakugo yelled from a couch in the Living Room of the Commons. "Oi Legs! Shut up your too fucking loud too early, fuck!"

"You're one to talk Bakugo!" Kaminari said from a separate couch.

Bakugo stood up. "What was that Dumb Face!"

Laughter rang out among the classmates as Iida ran out of the kitchen to calm them down

Uraraka continued laughing. Midoriya got a grip and with a blushed face turned around to face Uraraka.

Uraraka managed to get some control of her breathing and looked at Midoriya. "Sorry Deku-kun I was trying to surprise you." She said with her normal bubbly voice.

Midoriya nervously chuckled a bit. "Ah it's a-alright Uraraka-san. Consider me su-surprised." He finished putting his hand on his nape.

Uraraka smiled. "So how are you on this fine Friday?"

Midoriya smiled back "W-well I managed to learn some better ways to use my qu-quirk so I am feeling great. How about you?"

Uraraka walked backwards and grabbed her cereal, still facing Midoriya. "Well I'm great now that I'm talking to you." She responded happily.

She froze. Ah that was too forward. Whoops.

Uraraka regained eye contact with Midoriya to find that his blush had increased.

Midoriya spoke before she could apologize. "I! W-well I..." He paused. Gathering his thoughts. "Do you... Want to go on- uh hang out Saturday and um, get dinner?" He asked hesitantly.

Uraraka was floored. He actually asked her on a date! Well to hang out, but it was kind of the same. Kind of...

In her thoughts she realized she hadn't answered him. He looked terrified. "Li-Like a date?" She asked. Now the red one.

Midoriya completely froze. How was he supposed to answer that?

Thankfully he didn't have to.

Bakugo yelled over the various noises that were transpiring around the Commons. "Oi Round Face! He wants a fucking date!"

Midoriya and Uraraka's heads turned to Bakugo who currently had Kaminari in a headlock. They then proceeded to freeze. Thankfully no one had heard Bakugo over the madness around them except for a wide eyed Kaminari in Bakugo's grip.

Uraraka glanced back at Midoriya to see a small smile hidden in the steaming redness on his face. Bakugo was serious.

Uraraka smiled wide and put her arms around Midoriya. "I would love to Deku-kun." She said into his chest.

Midoriya kept his frozen gaze on Bakugo who smirked at him before tearing into Kaminari. That took Midoriya out of his shock.

He shakily put his arms around Uraraka and leaned into her head. "I-I'm glad." he said equally as shakily as his movements.

They stayed there for a moment. All they could think about was the warmth and safety they felt in each other's arms. It was truly amazing how it felt to be embraced by someone you adored. It made them feel better than ever before.

Then Uraraka pulled away. Determined to not let her classmates catch them hugging like that. "I can't wait Deku-kun."

Uraraka walked out of the Kitchen and sat down on a couch in an attempt to cool down.

Midoriya sat in complete silence in fear that if he moved even a little he would wake up. This was too good to be true. A date with Uraraka. He was going on a date with Uraraka!

Midoriya finally stepped forward. This wasn't a dream. A sense of extreme calm and happiness filled him. He had to thank Bakugo for helping him later.

This was going to be incredible.


Hey All. It's me again. I posted twice in one night. Feeling good. Now I have some plans for this Fic and where it's going to go as opposed to when I started this as a way to better my writing style. Now I've got some motivation too.

Please leave any criticism. Y'all know the drill!

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