Part I: The Past

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Hello. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is V, just V. If you're interested in following my journey. Let me just tell you from the very beginning.

I was born in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. My ex-parents were rich billionaires, they're obsessed with power, money, and fame. I'm glad they're not Pro Heroes. After I was born, scratch that. When I was four years old, I was taken to a quirk doctor to find out what my quirk was, it turns out that I am quirkless and this made my parents disappointed and angry. They directed their anger toward me. And so that's where the torture began...


Mom: I know honey but calm down

Dad: *Lets out a sigh* and I even told them that I'm going to get a child with a quirk but it turns out that this one is COMPLETELY USELESS! WHERE THE HELL IS THAT BRAT?!

Meanwhile in V's room...

V: *Listening to the conversation downstairs* (So Mommy and Daddy hate me...for not having a quirk)

V heard footsteps and his bedroom door slammed open. V was scared as he saw his father, furiously holding a belt

Dad: there you are, brat! COME HERE!


V's father smacks V with the belt. V let out screaming and crying, begging his father to stop hitting him. His father was blinded by rage and did not hear him beg and plead for his life. After that, V was dragged into the basement, getting strapped down to a chair tied up. His mother walked down, holding a knife.

V: that-

V just got stabbed in the leg by his mother. He continued to scream in pain

Mom: It's "Ma'am" to you, brat! *Continues to stab V in his kneecaps*

V continues to scream and cry in agony. The years go by. V's parents continue to neglect and abuse him, they also decided to not feed him anything. But things went too far when V's mother pulled one dirty trick on V. Six years have passed and V is now 10 years old.

 Six years have passed and V is now 10 years old

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V: when will the nightmare end?

Mom: *walks inside the basement* Oh dear God, why are you filthy?!

His mother looks at V with disgust as he was covered in blood and bandage wrapping.

V: *Whispered under his breath* Because you're an abusive slut...

Mom: what was that?!

V: nothing, ma'am...*looks down*

Mom: tch, I can't even look at you. With your father gone, you're stuck with me. Oh well...*pulls out a whip* Turn around, brat.

V took off his shirt, revealing his scars. His mother began using the whip, inflicting serious damage to V's back, adding more scars. Then she kicked V in the stomach, causing him to tip over and crash on the floor.

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