18. Stuck together (forever I hope)

Start from the beginning

- ohh And you are dumb cause you didn't cover your tattoo when you destroyed my car.

-SO YOU KNEW? -I shouted putting my hands on his thigs. Ok I did not expect that he have known.

- Wow baby not so fast. maybe a kiss first?- he said as I realised what I did. I blushed SO hard

- So maybe insted of paying for the car you will go out with me? - Ohhh that fucker. but since we cleared it up I think I can't be mad at Omi anymore.

- Yeah, but let's finish this hang out first - I said

- So what do you want to do? - he asked tapping his hands at the steering wheel

- How about you leave the car here. And we can go to tha park on bikes? -

- uhhh there is one problem .- he said embarrased

- What is it? -

- I can't ride a bike - he whispered hiding his face in his hands.

I looked dumbfounded. Your telling me he can drive a fricking CAR, but not a bike.

- I know what we should do today. I will teach you how to ride a bike. -

We walked out of the car and to our garage. There WAS EVERY THING. BMX, skatebords, roller blades, normal bikes and you name it.

I grabbed a bike and walked out.

- hop on the back we are getting to a place when you can practice -

- Are you sure this is safe?- He asked terrefaid

- yeah me, Osamu and sometimes that one boy used to do that all the time. - Yeah that boy from when I was 10. He was terrefaid just like Omi is right now.

I started to pedal out of the driveway and on the street. We started to roll dow a hill to our destination. I took a sharp turn and Omi grabbed my waist really tight. We passed few gardens and up the hill.

- We are almost there - I told him. and he just nodded with his eyes closed. Poor thing.

I pedaled up the heel to see the most beautyful scenary. A clearing with trees all around the place.

- You can hop off now - he happily did.

- So what now? - he asked. I patted the saddle, his expression changed real quick. He sat down.

- So I will pushyou and you try going in the cyrcle OK?-

- f-fine - he wasn't fine

I grabbed his back and pushed his as far as I could.

- Uhhh... Ahhhh... - he started to pedal and slowly getting it.

- Great job! Now try to turn! - I shouted.

 He nearly fell down turning. He was really getting it really quickly tho. He started to ride farter. I hopped on and grabbed his waist and chest snuggeling in to his back. He was enjoying It and also was I.

- You can try going down heel I think - I said

- Ay ay teacher - he said jokingly. He got over the fear.

We started to go down heel. FAST. REALLY FAST.

- Hey there is a lake in fron of us - he said a bit worried.

- Ohh just tape the break lightly - I answered hugging his chest

- Yeah, but how exacly?-

I looked at him and he turned back to look at me. We turned back to the road.

- Ahhhhhh - we both started to yell.

We were getting closer and closer all I could do is hug him tight, close my eyes and brace for impact. I could feel the water hitting my skin.

I took my head out of water and in wasn't deep like a bit over the knee. Then Omi's head got out of water. We looked at each other and started to laugh.

We paused and look at the position we were in. I was inbeetwen his legs. We looked each other deep in to the eyes. We got closer and closer until our lips connected.

I was the sweetest thing. I was longing for it so long. It was the like it was us just us and only us.

We parted and I thown my arm on to his neck, shifting my weight on top him and I kissed him again. This time longer just cause I wanted the feeling again. It wasn't a makeout it was a sweetkiss.

We parted for breath and he said

- I know I haven't treated you the best for past years, but I really wanted to say you are the most important thing in my world so Will you be my boyfirend.

Those words were replaing in his mind over and over

- I'd love to Omi - I grinned at him

- Thank you Atsu -

- Can we not tell the others about Us~ and this? - I asked

- Yeah sure they need to sort out their shit first -

- yeah the sexual tenison is immeasurable. -

We both started to laugh again.


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