Character Info: Sakiya Todoroki

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Name: Sakiya Aratani Chisaki-Todoroki

Quirk: (Her quirk would only develop when she turns 15) Ice spike (The quirk works by covering an area, as big or small as wanted, and manipulating the things under it, like how Overhaul manipulates the walls just covered in ice)

Age: 13 (She is the first born of Todoroki's for her generation)

Birthday: January 25

Description: 5'2, some muscle, golden eyes, waist length reddish-brown hair. (The quirkless cousin that gave Azumi her scar)

Likes: Baseball, science, animatronics, Suneater, her family

Dislikes: Fake heroes

Class: Middle class I suppose- she's Overhaul's daughter.

Family: Sakura Chisaki (Mother), Kai Chisaki (Father), Meiko Chisaki (Younger sister), Miko Chisaki (Younger brother), Touya Todoroki (Bio Uncle), Keigo Takami (Uncle), Tsuyoi Todoroki (Cousin), Aikina Todoroki-Takami (Cousin), Fuyumi Todoroki (Bio Aunt), Himari Todoroki (Adopted cousin), Natsuo Todoroki (Bio Uncle), Asami-Chiasa Togata-Todoroki (Aunt), Kai Togata-Todoroki (Cousin), Kia/Taeko Togata-Todoroki (Cousin), Shoto Todoroki-Bakugo (Bio Uncle), Katsuki Bakugo (Uncle), Lyn Bakugo-Todoroki (Cousin)

Friends: Suneater and her animatronics

Education: Original AU; She went to high school when she was 12 but didn't live long enough to finish, as she is dead. Dabi didn't die AU; She has a high school degree; she is fine without it and on top of that people don't know nor do they think that that's her highest degree.

Intelligence: Very fucking smart. She created animatronics that fooled society completely (By touch, sight, hearing, this animatronics are that human like) when she was 13, and she had made a lot of them. She's so smart that she doesn't see the point of going to college, she can pretend she has that degree and with her intelligence 

Career: Original AU; Ghost, she is dead. She wonders the streets protecting whoever she finds, mainly children. Dabi didn't die AU; She is an engineer; she makes more animatronics that go on to have high paying jobs and give her 50% of their paychecks.

Fears: Not being strong enough to protect her siblings (As she dies protecting them)

Goals: Protect her siblings, to protect Meiko, to protect Eri

Flaws: She's good at getting people angry, getting under their skin, but she can't fight back (If you're wondering how she can't fight back when she gave Azumi a scar, Sakiya is quirkless and Azumi has cremation. Sakiya caught her by surprise with a bat, said bat was old and had a splinter) 

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