Character Info: Azumi Todoroki

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Name: Azumi Daki Shigaraki-Todoroki

Quirk: Cremation (Works just like Dabi's, but her body can handle her quirk)

Age: 31

Birthday: April 12

Description: 5'11, rather muscular, black hair with a blue tint, red eyes, has a light scar on the bridge of her nose from getting into a fight with her quirkless cousin

Likes: Applepie, video games, her father (Shigaraki), winning, being right

Dislikes: Heroes, unfair fights, losing, being wrong, being alone

Class: In a way she's lower class (As she barely has any money at any point in time), she's also kind of upper class (She helps run Japan, she just takes what she wants and lives in a great penthouse)

Family: Tenko Shimura (Father, Touya Todoroki (Dad), Keigo Takami (Stepfather), Tsuyoi Todoroki (Sister), Aikina Todoroki-Takami (Half-sister), Sakura Chisaki (Bio Aunt), Kai Chisaki (Uncle), Sakiya Chisaki (Cousin), Meiko Chisaki (Cousin), Miko Chisaki (Cousin), Fuyumi Todoroki (Bio Aunt), Himari Todoroki (Adopted cousin), Natsuo Todoroki (Bio Uncle), Asami-Chiasa Togata-Todoroki (Aunt), Kai Togata-Todoroki (Cousin), Kia/Taeko Togata-Todoroki (Cousin), Shoto Todoroki-Bakugo (Bio Uncle), Katsuki Bakugo (Uncle), Lyn Bakugo-Todoroki (Cousin)

Friends: Dabi didn't die AU; in this AU Azumi has friends, they are Camila Diez, Isamu Ichikawa, Makoto Fukuda, and Hana Hime (Azumi hates Hana's twin sister

Education: Original AU; Only what the LOV taught her and what she learned from Keigo and on the streets. No academic degree, school is something she never really knew though she does sometimes think of going to school she thinks she's just fine. Dabi didn't die AU; She went in for a high school degree after the incident, she went to UA to be a spy she did end up liking school and asked to go to college, she has an associate degree.

Intelligence: Original AU; With fighting it's far above average, if you know the basics of fighting hand-to-hand and have a hand-to-hand fight with her, your toast. Academically- she would fail or come close to failing every test, quiz, and assessment. Dabi didn't die AU; She still is good at hand-to-hand combat, at the same time, her academic intelligence is pretty high. Azumi isn't a naturally smart person, she spent long nights studying but she liked it. Don't fight her when it comes to academics in this AU, she has a 99% chance of winning that fight.

Career: Original AU; She is the leader of the LOV, runs Japan. Dabi didn't die AU; Azumi is a lawyer, and a damn good one. She gets lots of heavy cases and wins all of the cases she has done.

Fears: Losing her family, being alone, spiders aren't her thing, clowns are disturbing.

Goals: Both AUs; No one will suffer as long as she is by their side.

Flaws: She is a quick thinker, but sometimes too quick. She is hotheaded (Like a curtain blonde we know, expect her field of vision gets more clouded). She is too quick to use her quirk in any situation.

I'll add a picture once I get a tablet to draw on so it's more comfortable, I have an edit I can add for now, and once I get the picture if you guys want, I can bring the edit here.

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