𝐂𝐇; 𝟐𝟏

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excuse any mistakes.

𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙲𝙷 𝟸𝟿𝚃𝙷, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟿.

"Awn'," Lundyn cooed. "He so cute. I'm glad he don't look like Gleesh ugly ass."

"His ass look like Stitch. Somebody said that's his baby picture." Eriel laughed and Tierra sucked her teeth.

"Look y'all, I got a surprise." Lundyn smiled and they both looked at the camera. She raised her arm up, showing her and True. Eriel screamed loudly making Tierra mug her.

"She so c-wait, why she mugging me?" Eriel asked. Tierra nodded her head in agreement, placing her phone on her lap.

"She get it from her deddy, but she just like muggin' people." Lundyn told them. A knock sounded through her condo and she furrowed her eyebrows.

It wasn't Dayvon because he had a key. "Hold on y'all." Lundyn said, turning her volume down. She placed her phone on the couch and laid True in the small bassinet by the couch.

Lundyn stood up and walked to the door. Looking through the peephole, she looked at Chris who had a mug on his face. She opened the door to the point only her face was visible.

"Yes?" She said. It was getting late and Von wasn't there so she didn't want to let him; especially while her daughter was there.

"Wassup'. You been avoidin' me lately." Chris smiled, leaning on the wall. Lundyn looked him up and down, mugging.

"I been busy. Is there anything you need?" She asked. The last thing she needed was Von showing up and assuming something.

"I can come in?" Lundyn sighed and opened the door, allowing him in. Once he stepped in, True began crying. Lundyn furrowed her eyebrows and walked over to her.

Chris frowned and looked at her. "Can I hold her?" Lundyn shook her head no, picking True up.

True looked at Chris with a mug and began crying louder. "Uh, I need you to go." Lundyn said and Chris nodded.

Chris left out her condo and Lundyn looked the door. She walked back over to the couch and True stopped crying. Lundyn picked her phone up, looking at the screen with a mug.

"You ever heard about babies being able to sense bad energy? My grandma always told me it's a real thing." Tierra said.

"I have but ian' believe it, I definitely do now." Lundyn mumbled. "That was weird, like seriously."

"Definitely need to leave whoever that was alone. True True know the truth." Eriel laughed and Lundyn mugged her.

"That was lame."

The three women talked for a while before Lundyn's front door opened. Von walked in and closed the door, locking it behind him. Lundyn hung up her phone and sat it on the couch.

The last two weeks between her and Von was quiet. They rarely talked and if they did, it was about True. Von even slept in True's room to avoid Lundyn.

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