033 | shoutout the girlfriend

Start from the beginning

"And then- and then the bitch at the bar.. she stopped serving me drinks cause apparently I'm too fuckin' uh- drunk," Adalyn babbled on in slurs to her boyfriend who was sat beside her in the car. "Like what the fuck? I'm not drunk."

"mhm," Jack nodded slightly as he agreed with her since he didn't want to start an argument over basically nothing, keeping a hold of her hands as they talked. "Did you enjoy the show?"

"Yeah yeah, there was this like hot hot hottt guy on stage, ugh I want him to fuck me so bad," she chuckled while she lent in closer to the boy and connected their lips, quickly letting out a gasp as she pulled away. "Wait, stop the car! Where's Val?!"

"Adalyn, she's in another car, just go back to making out with your boyfriend," Brooklyn lightly patted the back of her friend.

"Is she fucking her boyfriend in dressin' room?! That's unfair. I wanna have my Doja Cat moment. Babe-"

"Oh my god. Shut up," Daniel interrupted the girl's, over listening to her complain. "Let this nice man that's driving us to your house have five minutes of silence please, we're almost there.."

"Hey!" Adalyn quickly pulled away from her boyfriend, leaning forward while looking at the boy in the front seat of the car. "You're lucky you're not dating my beautiful best friend here yet, cause you uh- wouldn't have been anymore after that fuckin' comment."

"And Uber driver, I forgot your name but you won't- you don't think I'm annoying do you?" she continued to ramble as she flicked her head towards the other male. "Be careful with what you say, I'm the one paying."

"um.. I've definitely had worst passenger, you're all good," he glanced at her via the rear view mirror, a friendly smile on his face.

"See dickhead, he's gonna get a good tip now," Adalyn forced a smile at her boyfriend's friend, then rolling her eyes as she looked back at Jack. "You know.. I fall in love with you more every day," she admitted.

"you're cute," Jack returned the smile, placing a small kiss on her lips.

"Quick power nap before the party," she jumbled her words, resting her head on the boy's shoulder and closing her eyes.

"Don't go to sleep gorgeous.. we're basically at your place."

"I'm not sleeping, my eyes are just closed," she explained.

"We might just go to sleep when we get to the house-"

"No," Adalyn quickly interrupted what he was saying to their friends, continued to rest her head on him. "We're going to drink more and party and celebrate the hot guy that sung tonight.. thennnn the same hot guy's gonna rail me allll night long."

"I don't know about that last part," Jack chuckled slightly as the vehicle came to a stop out the front of Adalyn's house. "C'mon gorgeous, get up."


A few more minutes had past and Adalyn had tipped the Uber driver in cash, the couple thanked him for the trip before getting out of the car, joining the others that had already arrived and soon heading inside.

The already intoxiced girl was quick to drag majority of them into the kitchen, to get drinks and a shot glass filled with the liquor of choice before making their way in the living room to celebrate the band's performance.

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