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After spending one hour trying to will her new reality away, Nasrin decided to give in to the new world she had entered. Unlike the female characters in the books she had read, Nasrin was anxious and unsure of what she should do. The cowardly option was to convince everyone around me her had lost her mind and confine herself to this excessively comfortable king-sized bed. The room was excessively lavish and dripping in gold. The bed had silk sheets threaded with gold and were a stark clean white. The maid next to her had not even flinched or moved despite all of her fussing, she was disturbed by her presence, that much was clear but still obedient. Looking past her, Nasrin saw a large door, adorned with gold carvings and flowery designs, similar to the furniture around Nasrin. If she was told she was in the palace of Versailles she would believe it. The room had a large deep red couch with matching chairs, a table for entertaining, a large closet, and an unmistakable mahogany dressing table that was paired with a deep mahogany desk. She had found that she did not need glasses ever since she woke up, in fact, her eyesight was so improved she could see the reflection in the giant flashy mirror atop the dressing table. It was not a reflection Nasrin recognized, when she first caught a glimpse she had let out another scream, much to the chagrin of the maid.

Nasrin's worries had been confirmed, she was Violet. Her eyes were fitting of a villainess, a vibrant piercing purple, sharp and disconcerting. She was beautiful, dangerously so. The only trait Nasrin shared with Violet seemed to be her inky black long hair. She would have to feel comforted by that. As she touched her face staring at the mirror, it felt foreign.

After staring at herself for thirty minutes, Nasrin decided to give up on her favored option. She had too much knowledge about what Violet was capable of, she might as well have fun while this dream lasted. Nasrin rolled to the edge of the bed, for what felt like infinity, and stood up, making the maid flinch. Violet really was a witch. Nasrin didn't care to change how anyone treated her besides the prince, in the story he ended up killing Violet before he even married Carnelia. That being said she didn't particularly like being treated like a monster.

"You, what was your name?" Nasrin barked out in a familiar tongue. Violet had never learned any of the servants' names, it was a question that would keep Nasrin disguised.

"C-Cynthia." She swallowed down as she spoke, the girl was shivering in fear. In the book, Violet would torture her maids and they were never allowed to leave her, if they did they'd end up dead or maimed.

"Dress me Cynthia I wish to see my dear sister." Violet had never loved Carnelia, the main character was a half-sister brought into the house when Violet was 10 years old. Carnelia was only 6 then but she got all the affection Violet never did. Violet's life was tragic but it never excused the evil things she did to Carnelia, the main character had never done anything to warrant such hatred. It was the Duke who was responsible for making Violet the monster she was. Nasrin winced as she remembered the evil acts of the Duke.

The Duke was mostly absent in the story, when he did appear he doted on Carnelia and Violet always fled to her room in fear. Carnelia, although otherwise cunning and kind, was always unaware of the Duke's abuse of her sister, only after her death in chapter 75 did Carnelia find Violet's diary. Violet had kept it ever since the main character arrived at the palace, she also wrote detailed accounts of what the Duke did to her. It was a shocking revelation in the story, up until then Violet had just been a jealous cruel villainess.

Nasrin decided she'd have to deal with the Duke. She was here on borrowed time, when she woke up she'd have to return to her life, and perhaps Violet would return to hers, the least she could leave this world a better place for Violet. Just like all the stories she'd read before, Nasrin made up her mind to change the story of the novel. Granted first she needed to find out what was happening in this world to try and change what happened next.

Reborn as the Overpowered Villainessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن