Part 9: "I Need a Drink."

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After a while, Hope and the twins migrate out to the porch swing, continuing to go over details of the marriage and living arrangements, and surprisingly, they're getting along a lot smoother than usual.

What none of them expect is extra company.

Hope's friends/coworkers, Raf and Ethan, Maya, Jed, Kaleb, Cleo, and even MG, coming over for a nightcap on the beach, expecting the Mikaelson girl to be soaking up the view of the moon, the stars, and the horizon, alone.

But instead they see her already occupied by unexpected company.

Hope gives Josie a reassuring nod when she senses the sudden panic in the girl, feeling unprepared for the interaction.

At first, Raf and MG think nothing of the twins being there. MG excitedly goes to greet Lizzie, and Hope politely stands to shake Raf's hand.

He apologetically looks from Hope to Josie, "Didn't realize you had company. Probably should've called since I don't live here anymore."

Hope gives him a reassuring smile, "You know you're always welcome here, Raf."

Raf holds up a case of beer, "Y'all down for a nightcap on the beach?"

Lizzie's eyes light up, "Ooh that sounds like fun!"

Hope turns to Josie with a questioning look, "You wanna go, love? If not, we can stay up here—"

Josie genuinely smiles at the offer, feeling very accommodated, like what she wants actually matters for once. But then she remembers that Hope is likely only pretending to seem like a picture-perfect fiancé in front of peers.

Her smile remains on her lips through the reminder, focused on keeping up appearances, "No, let's go. It'll be fun."

Hope smiles softly and nods, "Great," offering a hand to help Josie from the porch swing.

Josie takes it, standing to her feet but consciously keeping her own hand in Hope's.

The motion draws in Maya's attention, immediately noticing the brilliant luster of the gem on Josie's finger, reflecting the light of the moon for all to see.

It's Hope's ring.

She clearly fakes a smile as her voice comes out skeptical, "What's going on?"

She notes the eye contact between the pair, silently conversing amongst themselves.

"Well, Josie and Lizzie are moving in tomorrow, so we were just getting the house ready for their stuff to be moved in."

"Moving in...? Are you two friends now?" Maya almost seems breathless, anticipating an answer she doesn't want to hear.

Josie wears a sheepish smile, and Hope looks directly at Josie as she responds, wrapping an arm around the brunette's waist, "Actually, Josie and I are engaged."

A few of them look surprised.

Raf and MG exchange a questioning look.

Maya only stares at Hope in silence, waiting for the punch line of the joke.

But it never comes.

"What?" There's more shock than disbelief to her voice, and Josie can sense the hurt in her. It honestly makes her feel bad about the whole thing.

Hope finally turns to look at her, and Josie thinks she was actually avoiding looking before.

Hope knows she's breaking the girl's heart.
And Josie knows it hurts Hope to do it.

"I've asked Josie to marry me. And she said yes."

Jed encouragingly pats Hope's arm, "Hell yeah! Now we really have a reason to celebrate."

Cleo excitedly pulls Josie into an embrace, as if they've known each other all their lives, and Kaleb congratulates Hope while also teasing, "Damn, and I was so sure you lost your chance after the night at the bar."

Jed agrees, "I told you. Girl's got the perfect track record."

Raf and MG offer congratulations while the others start to make their way down to the beach, "We'll be down in a minute. We're just gonna grab some beach towels."

As soon as the door shuts, with Hope, Josie, Lizzie, Raf and MG inside, Raf shoves Hope's shoulder, though she barely budges, "Are you insane?! What the hell is this?!"

Josie interjects, "Raf, calm down—"

"You're gonna get yourself arrested Josie! Hope can lose everything she's worked for—"

"I won't." Hope assures him, "We have it all figured out."

MG finally realizes, "Wait so you're not really engaged?"

Josie gestures toward him, "See?! We even had my best friend fooled."

"I thought I was your best friend," Lizzie looks absolutely offended.

Hope pinches the bridge of her nose, "Somehow I think we're missing the essence here..."

"You two hate each other, Hope! This isn't gonna end well, it's not a real marriage." Raf crosses his arms.

Josie corrects him half heartedly, "We don't..hate..each other." She more genuinely adds, "We actually have boundaries and compromise and some respect. That's a hell of a lot healthier than most real marriages in this day and age."

Raf sighs, easing up a bit after the initial shock of the situation, "I understand why you're doing this Josie, but why are you?" He looks from Josie to Hope.

Hope answers with a half-version of the truth, "She needed help...They both did."

It's not a lie.

She did want to help them, regardless of the many differences she and Josie had.

But she also knew that siphon witches have the capability of removing magical spells, such as the red door hex placed on herself...

But she can't admit that right now.

She needs time to approach Josie with that favor.

But the answer she provided is truthful enough that Raf doesn't question her. And her heart doesn't skip a beat to go detected by the vampire and heretic in the room.

She offers a more playful response to lighten the mood, "Plus I needed a house sitter while we're deployed."

Josie rolls her eyes at the girl's inability to be serious for any extended amount of time.

Raf finally relents after a moment, "I guess this means I don't have to give you the whole 'don't break her heart' speech."

"The beauty of an emotionless marriage," Josie grins.

He shakes his head, "Just...don't get caught, alright? And I'm sorry for shoving you earlier—"

Hope seriously responds, "Yeah, don't ever do that again. You're lucky I love you."

Raf let's out a nervous laugh as Hope walks out to go grab the beach towels, knowing a threat from the Mikaelson girl is never empty.

She returns a minute later, making her way towards the door, "Okay, let's go. I need a drink."

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