Part 6: "You're Kidding, Right?"

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The diner door opens, and Josie looks up to see Hope enter.

She'd gotten the Tribrid's number from Raf, and texted the girl to meet her during her lunch hour, when she would explain her proposition.

Hope spots her easily, since there aren't too many patrons.

She skeptically walks over, taking her seat across from the brunette at the small booth, "I gotta say, I wasn't expecting your invitation."

"I didn't expect you to accept it either."

Hope tilts her head a bit, studying Josie carefully, "Just out of curiosity, I suppose. If you're reaching out to me for something, it's got to be dire."

Josie sighs, "I just don't really know what to do. I'm running out of options, but I think you might be able to help me if you're willing..."

"What kind of help do you need? Is someone bothering you?" Hope seems genuinely worried, and it makes Josie's heart skip a beat.

"No, no, nothing like that...Unless you count my father, in which case, yes."

Hope nods, jumping to conclusions, "And Dr. Shady, right?"

Josie furrows her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Your sister's doctor."

"No, he's been great. He's making sure Lizzie gets as much treatment as she needs."

Hope scoffs, "Yeah, okay."

"Why? You don't think so?"

Hope sighs, "Well, let's just say he has a history of keeping his patients longer than necessary to pad his billing."

Josie thinks back to Lizzie swearing she was clean, her begging to retake the tests, "You don't think it's possible that he'd fix the drug test results, do you?"

Hope shrugs, though her expression tells Josie that's exactly what she thinks.
But before Josie can say anything, a waitress comes over to them, asking if they'd like any food or drinks.
The two just opt to share an order of fries, with Josie getting a water and Hope ordering a beer.

Once the waitress has left, they resume where they left off.

"Look, I've got my laptop with me. If you want, I can easily get into the facility's database and compare your sister's patient records with the doctor's personal notes."

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Only if you get caught."

Josie narrows her eyes at the girl, "Fine."

Hope wears a very subtle grin of success, "Alright, let me go get my laptop from my car."

With that, Hope exits the diner, coming back in with her laptop right after the waitress delivers their drinks and food.

She senses someone watching her as she sits down with Josie, but she tries to ignore it, writing it off as her chronic paranoia kicking in.

"Okay, while I'm pulling this up, care to explain what we're doing here?"

Hope starts entering into the facility's database, so her full attention isn't on Josie. 

"Well, it's kind of about money..."

Hope overheard the part of Josie's conversation with Raf and MG about being stressed about finances.

"Why can't you ask your parents for a loan?"

"Well considering my dad is the one trying to take my money and my mom is six feet under, I don't think they'd be too helpful."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize—"

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