Part 5: "Must Be Fate."

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Josie was feeling overwhelmed after all the news regarding her sister and then her trust fund, so she reached out to MG and Raf.

MG said he went to meet with Raf after his shift at the bar to catch up with his friends and ended up staying overnight.

She walks up the steps to the door of Raf's place.

It's a cozy little house, beachfront property.
Quite charming, but not what she expected.

She knocks softly before stepping back, waiting for either of her friends to open the door.

But she's surprised when the door opens and reveals someone else on the other side.

The auburn haired girl from the night before wears that same stupid smirk as she greets Josie, irritating her even more,
"Wow, twice in less than 24 hours. Must be fate."

Josie rolls her eyes, crossing her arms against her chest, "It isn't fate, just really bad luck."

Hope places her hand over her heart, feigning offense to the statement, "Ouch."

Josie scoffs, ignoring her antics, "What the hell are you doing here Hope?"

"Um..I live here."

"With Raf?" Her voice is laced with something kin to disbelief.

Hope sighs, "Do you want to come in or not?"

Josie deflates with a huff, and Hope opens the door wider for her to enter.

Without another word, Josie walks in and passes her, seeing MG and Raf standing in the kitchen.

They both greet her warmly before Josie settles into a seat at the kitchen counter.

MG looks a little confused as he expects someone else to be with Josie, "Where's Lizzie?"

The sad look on Josie's face is enough to answer his question.

"I'm so sorry Josie," Raf lays a reassuring hand on top of hers, and she tries to muster up a weary smile.

"I just don't know how it was possible for her test to come back positive. MG and I have been her only visitors, and she doesn't have access to any drugs. And she swore to me that she was clean...I mean, I really thought she was doing better,"
The last sentence comes out as a whisper as Josie quickly wipes a stray tear from her cheek,
"And now dad has control of her inheritance," She shakes her head, pinching the bridge of her nose, trying to sooth her growing headache.

Hope unintentionally overhears a small part of the conversation as she's pouring two mugs of coffee, hesitantly offering the first to the presumptuous brunette by sliding it across the countertop.

Josie looks incredibly confused as her expression of gratitude sounds more like a question,
"...Thank—you...Um, do you guys have any—"

Josie stops in the middle of the question when Hope slides a small tray toward her with sugar and cream assortments laid out to choose from.
"...Cream and sugar." Josie finishes her sentence unnecessarily, "Thanks."

Josie thinks it's almost suspicious how nice Hope is being. But in all honesty, Hope is always like this with guests, if you were to ask anyone else.

Hope nods, and tries not to appear overly curious as she tentatively poses a question, "Who's her doctor?"

"Dr. Liam Davis," Josie answers nonchalantly before furrowing her eyebrows at the girl, demeanor suddenly guarded and defensive, "Wait, why do you care?"

While the doctor's name rings a rather large bell and raises several red flags in her mind, Hope is suddenly really over Josie's unwarranted attitude with her.

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