{Where did you come fr- Oh, right, the sky}

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"Hey- Kyodai!" Alban greets Yugo once he sees him entering back from the basement.

"Kyodai!" Yugo cheers back, chuckling at the sudden nickname but doesn't mind anyway, "We're in luck- found 3 generators for the building to work with electricity!" Yugo then joins Alban at the living room's couch before placing a mechanism on the table. "I was able to build the antenna signal, too-"

The DJ pulls one of the triggers, making the living room lights, and the plugged TV screen turn on.

"LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Both the Thief and the DJ yell as Alban quickly grabs the remote control while Yugo grabs the spare snacks he has. "Yugo, you big tech brain-"

"I'm not big brain!!!"

"You do!"

"I'm not!"








"Ye- ALBAN!!!" The DJ nearly fell for it, and attempts to hit the catboy with a couch cushion playfully. Causing the others to laugh more.

Movie time it is then-

"Wait, where is Uki-" Alban asks. Yugo hums as he tries to get a beverage can from the one of food cabinets.

Just as if the Psychic just knew(which he knew but also still meant to go downstairs to call out for something else-), Uki appears.

"Yo," Uki starts as he descends from the stairs to the living room area, making Yugo and Alban glance from behind. "Have you just seen someone fall??? They fell right in front of the building- Right from the sky-"

"Wait what???" Alban stops the TV, internally swearing the building is pretty much abandoned the fifth time he checked. "How???"

"Portal...." Yugo responds in a whisper as he quickly slides the glass door that leads to the backyard, now seeing an unconscious man on the floor.

"D-D*mn..." Alban follows with a tiny white cat in his arms, sweatdropping at how the crack on the floor is getting wider, "That man must be bulletproof-"

In case there's some bloody sight about to be unfolded, Alban protectively covers the cat's eyes with his unoccupied gloved hand for the feline's confusion.

"Right when you say that-" Yugo comments as he sees Uki trying to turn the unconscious, blonde man around to place his head on his lap- Only to find a bulletproof chest plate on the man's torso.

"...He is surprisingly alive," Uki says after checking his pulse, then pausing to look at the unconscious man's face. "Oh sh*t, he even looks this cute despite that fall-"




"D*mn-" Alban says before shutting up, letting his cat companion now open their eyes from his gloved hands. "He's a lucky one-"

"To have that face?" The Psychic asks.

"I meant the fall... but also that too-"

"AYO-" Yugo was about to say something about it, but attempted to change the subject anyway, "So. The chest plate must be the reason why he survived from that fall- but how....-???" Yugo says, now having to exaggerate math calculations in his mind as he questions logic.

"I have no idea??? We never fell whenever we go into the portal?" Alban says, wondering what the highlighter hair man just did.

Yet, as the DJ contemplates, Alban doesn't hesitate as he quickly feels around the unconscious person for any valuables-

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