Special Chapter// Nijioopers!!!!

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{This is a special chapter of Y/N and the boys trying to film the story chapters so far- resulting to have a bunch of failed tries(aka bloopers), only small bits of the recording,,,, Directed by Author-Chan, Pins ;3}

{At the convenience store}
Alban// Ah- sorry, what was my line again??? Got too busy with stealing-


{Enter Detective Rias!}
Mysta// Ahhhhh, excuse me, mommy- I MEAN I MEAN- MA'AM???
Y/N// Huh??? 😅😅😅
Alban// *kicks the male restroom's door down* OI- >:V


Y/N // *waving Alban goodbye, seeing him doing the thumbs up*
Y/N // *Turns around to see Mysta right in front of her, noses touching *
Mysta// *Serious look as he starts pushing her, until he kabedons her with his leg on the wall beside her hip*
Y/N // ?????? ówò
Y/N //
Mysta// *collapses on the floor and curls into a ball * AHHHHHHHHHH- (>////<)


{Jazz Chase}

Vox// *was dozing off the entire time next to Y/N while Luca was talking to Y/N, just looking at Y/N's expression being so adorable again-* .....

*Jazz music chase turns on *

Vox// OH SH- *Jumps in 5 feet before realizing the chase scene is now on, quickly picks up Y/N onto his shoulder as if some school shooting just happened*

Luca// Wait- WAIT VOX, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING Y/N, IT'S STILL NOT YET THE CHASE YET HAHAHAHJXJDJDJ- *laughs hysterically but still tries to chase after Vox despite that is not part of the script*


Staff// Is the makeup ready, stat- *walks in to see that Vox and Luca are switching capes while they were getting the makeup service in their film spots*


{Catch the Phantom Thief!}
Luca// Why are you running- WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?! *chasing Alban off, forgetting about the script*
Alban// *SCREAMS*


{Another Chapter, Another Story}
Ike// Hey, sleeping beauty, wakie wakie... wake up, it's time for filming~
Y/N // Nuuuuuuu, I don't wanna go to the studio,,,,,so far away.... M *whines more*

*Screen expands to see that the bedroom Ike & Y/N is it's one of the filming scenes with thousands of filming staff members looking at them right now-*

*Insert lots of laughter from the staff*


Y/N // Ike~~ Here's your coffee!!! <3 *Places down the coffee in Ike's enderman mug on the staff table has a heart shape drawing in the drink*
Ike// *squeals in high pitch* Little Yin~~!!! 🥺🥺🥺
Also Ike// *turns to staff-san* that's it, add the script where I start pampering Yin with food in the next scene- I won't take no as the answer...-
Y/N // Wait, Ike- ;ówò)

Staff-san randomly in the background// Floss your teeth, kids!
Ike// *sees Mysta and Luca doing the floss at Yugo's dance floor* Eh....
Staff-san// NOT LIKE THAT-
Yugo nearly spitting his soda// *WHEEEEEZE-*


Uki// *hears a sparkling noise, cueing that a star will fall on him so he looks up at the direction*
Uki// *widens eyes once realizing that the star is actually 4st3r-*
4st3r// Senpaiiiii~ Huggies~!!! :DD
Uki// *tries to catch him in his arms but the star boi is actually too huge, so they ended up collapsing*


Uki// ....
Uki// It really f*cking hurt-

{Reason why chapter StarGazer got a little delayed-/ih/jk}


Uki// *about to let the star fall slowly on his eye, but realizes that the star is falling unnaturally quickly, so he dodges in fear*
Uki// What the f*ck are you doing, snipping me??? *looks up at 4st3r in concerned confusion*
4st3r trying to try and throw star balls like ninja stars// hehe... my bad- 😅😅😅

{Hater's Karma}

Shu// Eyyyyy..... Shhhh.... You can do it.... Eyyyyyyy..... Relax.... Relax yourself..... Eyyyyyyy-
Y/N, head on Shu's lap// *snores softly*
Shu// Sheep-
Y/N // *suddenly dreams one sheep*
Shu// Lots of sheep....-
Y/N // *suddenly dreams like 5 sheeps *
Shu // More sheeps....-
Y/N // *suddenly dreams like 10 sheep, now wondering where did the sheep come from-*
Shu// 4 thousand sheep, Eyyy....-
Y/N // *Goes ?????????? despite being in a sleeping state-*


Cameraman// *recording the all scene of the arcade, checking on each arcade machine*
Cameraman// *stops by to see Mysta playing Sugar Rush, a candy-themed car race game, now recording him gaming*
Mysta// Where's magnum- *trying to pick a racer as avatar*
Cameraman// ???


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