{Is IK*A- Not Ike!}

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// Companion(s) Equipped! //

// Companion(s) Equipped! //

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// Group: LUXIEM //


You hum in thought as you're reading a book about machinery in your bedroom. The boys are chilling in the living room so you have some quiet time to focus and reflect on the progress you guys made so far.

The book may not be very effective for the situation you're in with the time-traveling machine you and the boys were working on Since it's much more complex than just been written, as Ike proved before-

Yet, it turns out the more careful you are with modifying the machine-  *slaps the giant piece of metal a couple of times* The more signs of improvement this big boi will show...

You swear, if your machine (aka the child you have been working on so hard) gets messed up once again, you might lose it-

"Yo, Yin- Have you seen my sunglasses? I believe I already checked the last few spots where I left it in your house-"

Your train of thought is now suddenly cut off by Mysta who just walked in through your opened door, looking very troubled as he rests his hand lightly on your doorknob. He sounds pretty worried.


You hum softly in response as you place the book away to provide him your undivided attention until your concerned look falters not so slowly once you see what's on top of the fox detective's head.

"Oh- They are on your head, Mysta!" You exclaimed softly.


You giggle, before lowering the sunglasses that are on Mysta's head onto the bridge of his nose carefully. Causing the
The detective try to feel the sunglasses with his gloved hands, now feeling stupid for a second.

"Oh sh*t- thanks....-"

He sighs as he looks away from you out of embarrassment. Then suddenly, he stops in his mid-sentence, seeming to find something that catches his eye now.

"Wait a minute- why are you laying on only one cushion bed??? With some plain, wood plank underneath it???

"Oh right- I have it that way since like 7 years ago." You calmly respond, as if it's normal in your cup of tea. You just think that way would look pretty aesthetic and less dangerous for your liking if you ever roll off of your bed.

"Are you telling me you've been sleeping in only a bed cushion with blankets, near the floor where bugs can easily reach you, and with no bed frame furniture, for 7 years???"


You confusedly respond with a strangely cute smile you usually wear, making Mysta die for a second judging by how he is trying to maintain his composure using the door's surface. You check yourself that bugs barely appear in your room as long as you clean a little regularly-

Every Second with You // Luxiem & NoctyxWhere stories live. Discover now