Chapter 3: The New Warriors of Hope

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Nagisa POV

Nagisa: So how should we decide on the leader?

Kokichi: ...

Masaru: ...

Jataro: ?

Kokichi & Masaru: ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!!!!

After a few games of rock, paper, scissors we decide to make Kokichi the leader.

Kokichi: Yay!! I'm the leader!

Masaru: aww man.

Kokichi: Hahaha!

Jataro: So Kokichi is the leader now?

Nagisa: Seems so.

Jataro: But what about the name?

Masaru: oh yeah we decided to change the name didn't we?

Nagisa: yes we did. Well Kokichi as the leader you should decide on the name.

Kokichi: mhm...

Kokichi: DICE!

Masaru: I love that name!

Jataro: yeah that name sounds nice.

Nagisa: DICE it is then.

(Two weeks later)

Kokichi POV

Me and Big sis Maru were walking home when I hear some crying.

Kokichi: um Big sis? Do you hear that?

Komaru: yeah...

Kokichi (thoughts): We look into the near by ally way where the crying was coming from and there we see two girls,
one girl had short pink hair and she look 16-18 years old while the other girl had long brown hair and she look like she was 11-13 years old and they were both crying.

Kokichi: um hey?

Girl with brown hair: ah- oh um hi

Pink hair: hi...

Komaru: where are your parents?

Pink hair: ... their gone.

Komaru: oh...

Kokichi: what are your names?

Brown hair: I'm Ayano.

Pink hair: Yori...

Kokichi: ...

Kokichi: You two are cute so you're coming with us!

Ayano & Yori: ????

We ended up taking Yori and Ayano to our house, after a couple weeks me and Jataro convinced them to join DICE.

[] Kokichi as Kotoko [] Danganronpa V3 [] Fluff, Angst []Where stories live. Discover now