"Is that so?" The King rumbled.

"In return, my brother wishes to relinquish our ties and end the generation-long hostilities-"

The scarred Prince was abruptly interrupted when the King burst into a thunderous laugh.

"Might I remind you that it was your ancestors that started this feud? You took advantage of the moment when our sovereignty had fallen to raid our borders!"

Dalia's fists clenched, the history of her Great Grandfather having been etched into her mind since she was of the age of understanding.

"And that is why we extend our cooperation of rekindling our ties, by seeking your daughter's hand in marriage."

Dalia's heart stopped. Her fists began to tremble with both anger and fear. She could feel the eyes of everyone in the room turn to her, making her fury rise to the apples of her cheeks. Thankfully, she had her veil to hide under.

Her legs itched to jump up in retaliation but she had already pulled at the strings of her father's patience today. He may have agreed to her attendance but if she committed another drastic and childish move in front of the entire court, there was no telling what kind of punishment she would receive. All the years of working her way up her father's good books would be crushed with one wrong move.

Her knees were shaking, anticipating her father's response. Surely, he wouldn't send her into their enemy's hands after proving her worth for the throne. But little did she know of the cogs turning in her father's mind, hatching a plan with her at the centre.

"Fine, but I have an exception." Thundered her father with an ironclad tone.

Dalia could not stop herself from exploding. "Father-" She interrupted, but her father held up his hand against her.

"My daughter is a valuable asset to my throne, and I'm sure you understand that I will not accept the offer of marriage unless she agrees."

A puff of relief escaped her tinted lips.

"Therefore, I shall grant you a fortnight under my protection and you may convince her to return with you."

Dalia swivelled to her father. "But-"

"I am deeply humbled by your kindness," said the Prince.

"Father-" But her plea did not travel far in the commotion of voices that had started. Before she could utter another word, the Hall was filled with a mixture of excited and unsettled voices. Clearly, the idea of an alliance and hosting the enemy was not sitting well with some.

"We shall end here!" The King's voice boomed. As he lifted himself off the throne, others began to do the same, leering at the Prince and his entourage as they were guided out by the guards.

Stunned by what had occurred, Dalia sat frozen in her seat, watching the crowd disperse when she leapt up and chased after her father. Her brother and Visier Shams had already beaten her to it and were already occupying her father's side.

"Father!" She called out, cursing her voluminous skirt.

The King stopped and turned to face her. "See me in my study after dinner, I have matters to discuss with my Visier." He then turned to her brother, Prince Masood.


To her satisfaction, her brother's shoulders deflated, as their father and the Vizier strode off.

Dalia crossed her arms and gave Masood a victorious smirk. In return, her brother harrumphed and stormed off, raising his chin as high as he could.

They may have been siblings through the King but Masood disliked Dalia just as much as she disliked him.

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