"Oh so that's why you are here! To meet the handsome brother of that boring scientist! Then at least don't pretend you are doing this for me!" Kook pushed his best friend gently as they were both seated in the back seat, bickering. 

"Oh shut up you ungrateful brat. My husband is working on behalf of me. He will make sure no one takes away your money, right hubby? You will win this case for your pumpkin?" Jimin pouted, and nudged his husband who was in the passenger seat of their luxury car. 

"Yes my doll, I promised, didn't I? I won't let Kook lose his money or title. But you also need to keep your promise!" Yoongi said, smirking from the rear view mirror. After which Jimin was a blushing pumpkin for sure.

"MS DRIVER! WHERE IS THE EMERGENCY EXIT?" Kook shouted, making everyone flinch. The driver automatically pulled the car in a parking zone before assessing the passengers for any mishap, when she didn't find any, she threw a questioning look towards the prince!

"Oh no no, nothing is wrong Ms driver, I was just not interested in watching gây pôrn. It would be super awkward, they are my hyungs afterall." Kook explained, 


The driver was blushing badly, "Your highness, we could have gotten into an accident if there were other cars around. Please be careful next time. I could get fired if something happened to you ...." But before she could finish her sentence she saw horror flashing on the prince's face. She stutters an apology but Yoongi nudges her to just continue driving. He knows this is triggering for the prince, so he lets his husband handle the situation, which comes to him naturally. 

"Hey Kook-ah, do you know what I promised Yoon, if he gets the case on your side?" Elbowing the prince, Jimin questions, knowing well 'distraction' his best bet.

The prince shakes himself out of the trance, and asks "Do I 'want' to know?"

"Of course, I'll skip the private part though, for the sake of your sanity. He wants me to cook him a 4 course meal! He thinks I won't be able to pull it off." Jimin says teasingly. 

Yoongi knows it's his time to interject now, "It is not the cooking part I am doubtful about, it's the part where I tell you what to cook and 'how' to cook it. But as you are skipping the 'private' part, I'll leave it to Kook's imagination!"


Before the couple could say anything, the lady spoke on their behalf.

"Oh it's fine, your highness. It's nothing I haven't heard before. And I would also like to announce that we have arrived at our destination." 

"Oh well, let's proceed then, shall we?" The prince asks, more like to himself, sighing. 


Once the bodyguards had checked the premises, the 'not-so-royal' entourage finally entered the penthouse. Jin and Hoseok welcomed them with warm smiles. Which Yoongi and Jimin reciprocated with equal warmth. But the scientist and the prince kept their distance and indifference visible. When Jin nudged Taehyung to greet the others as it is a royal protocol. But he just rolled his eyes, and asked pointing towards the the prince, who was still wearing a mask,

"How do I know he is actually the prince, when he is covering his face like that? And I believe these two are not even the royals." The scientist deadpanned, making his hyungs choke on air. 

Jin tried to apologise, "I am so sorry your majesty, on behalf of my brother I apologise. He is blessed intellectually but he is a bit slow 'socially', doesn't have a functioning brain to mouth filter. So kindly pardon him. You must know how these scientists are…" but he ate his last words as he didn't want to offend the prince by mentioning his late sister. He sent a deathly glare to his brother but no use. He was too busy glaring at the guests.

"It's okay Seokjin-ssi. Though the only scientist I had in my life was the most kind and humble soul you would ever meet, I understand it's not possible for everyone to have a good balance between their brain and heart like my sister managed to achieve. I appreciate his honesty. So I would definitely take the mask off. Here, happy Dr Kim?" The prince asked smugly, arching his pierced brow.

"It's not about my happiness sir, I don't get happy by trivial things. It was all about confirming the facts before following anything blindly. I'll still have to ask my brother to confirm your identity, as I don't follow much on socio-political affairs." The scientist was very nonchalant about the whole ordeal.

They heard three gasps from people around them and one frustrated growl.

"Just bow down to the prince, you moron, or I am burning down your whole Dr Who collection." Jin said through gritted teeth. 

The prince couldn't help chuckling after seeing the pretty scientist pout at his hyung and bow to him unwillingly. From this moment he knew, it was going to be an interesting encounter. 

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