Childe's birthday

Start from the beginning

To my dearest boyfriend Ajax,

Forgive me for ignoring you all week. Jean insisted that I'd do so and I had no choice. I promise that as soon as we get some alone time, you can do whatever you want. And don't mind the packaging, I had nothing else. This is hand sewn by me and I have a matching one. Maybe one day we can wear them together. May you have a wonderful birthday.
                                    Your Zhongli.

Childe stopped to look at his boyfriend. He was just standing there, overly flustered.

"So who was it?" Ayato asked.

"Yeah! We wanna know!" Hu Tao pressed the question further. Instead of replying, Childe just marched straight to Zhongli and pulled him in a tight hug.

"Oh I see now." Miko chuckled as Zhongli was just there being awkward.

"Well, let's actually start partying!" Yoimiya led them all outside.

"I never knew you had a pool." Kaeya sidled up to Childe.

"What you get in exchange for having parents that work overseas half the time." Childe bluntly replied. He looked at Zhongli, who seemed a bit overwhelmed. "You hanging in there?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just, I kinda want to spend some alone time." Zhongli leaned on the ginger's shoulder.

"I get you. Maybe we stay out here a little bit and then we can have some alone time, how's that sound?" Childe ruffled Zhongli's hair.

"I'd like that very much." The brunette gave Childe a warm smile and went to join his friends. Most of them were already in the pool, splashing about. Childe excused himself and went to change. Soon, he emerged in blue swimming trunks with a narwhal on the right leg.

"Damn! I knew you were ripped but not this ripped!" Kaeya slapped Childe on the back.

"And I didn't know you were this skinny." Childe teased the blue haired male. Just as Kaeya was about to retaliate, a mischievous smile adorned his face.

"Ooh~ Zhongli looking fine~" Kaeya wiggled his eyebrows. In an attempt to claim what was his, Childe whirled around and got what Kaeya meant. Zhongli was there, alright, but he was wearing a sheer brown kimono cardigan on top of a white tank top with thin straps. His lower half was covered by light brown shorts. This was in fact, the most skin he has shown anyone (besides Childe because, y'know). On his head rested a pair of sunglasses which Childe swore was for decoration rather than usage.

"Ajax? Your nose..." Zhongli had walked up to him and was using one of his hands to try and stop Childe's nosebleed.

"Weh? Oh, oh sorry. Let me go deal with it. Be right back." And with that, Childe had disappeared back into his house. Lumine, who was sitting not too far away, frowned at the sight of Zhongli and Childe.

"Lumine dearest, if you keep frowning, you'll spoil that pretty face of yours." Lisa had flicked Lumine's forehead.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm gonna head inside for a bit." Getting up, she went to the kitchen, where Childe was busy patching up his nose.

"Girlie?" Childe looked up at the blonde girl in a tight light blue bikini. She sat across from him and leaned on her palm.

"Childe, I hope you're having a good day?" She looked up at him.

"Yeah, it's fine so far. Hey, do you mind telling Aether we're running low on food?" Childe finally stopped the bleeding.

"Sure. We should go." Swallowing hard, Lumine got off the chair and they walked back out. Childe saw that Venti had declared a water fight and half of the boys and a few of the girls had started splashing each other. Zhongli was drenched and his hair was sopping wet, his bangs sticking to his face. Brushing it aside, it revealed his face, smiling brightly. Childe jumped in next and he heard Lumine chuckle.

"Boys." She rolled her eyes playfully and rejoined the girls that didn't go in. Childe wanted to surprise his boyfriend so he swam under the water and when he finally met Zhongli, he pulled his legs. The brunette was yanked under, gasping before being fully submerged. Opening his eyes, Childe was on top of him. They soon resurfaced, Zhongli clinging on to the ginger.

"You scared me for a bit." Zhongli giggled as he let go of Childe. He went to dry himself, which was relatively easy as he soon came back in the same clothes and his hair was completely dry (don't ask why). He sat on the edge of the pool and Venti and Ei soon joined him up there.

"Enjoying yourself Morax?" Venti leaned on the brunette, who just smiled in response.

"I'm glad Baizhu isn't here." Ei looked back at the people still battling it out in the pool.

"Yeah, that motherfucker creepy as hell." Venti stuck his tongue out to express his disgust.

"Hey guys." Al'Haitham sat next to them, also quite wet.

"Al!" Venti waved at the gray haired male excitedly. Ei and Zhongli just nodded to acknowledge his presence.

"Ooh~ I think you've caught someone's eye, Morax." Venti teased the brunette, who just looked at him in confusion. He pointed at the ginger slowly approaching him. Childe laid his head on Zhongli's soft milky thighs.

"Extra clingy huh?" Zhongli just rubbed Childe's wet hair out of his face.

"This is what you get for ignoring me for a week." Childe grabbed his waist. The rest of the event was pretty exciting. After everyone had finished the main fight, Venti declared another one between him, Xiao, Aether and Kazuha against Diluc, Childe, Kaeya and Zhongli. After they were equally exhausted, everyone dried off and went to eat the food Xiangling was preparing while they were swimming. Then they watched a movie and around ten at night, everyone left for their respective homes. Everyone, that is, except Zhongli.

"I promised you could do whatever you want with me when we have alone time." Zhongli stood in front of Childe. Seizing this opportunity, Childe whispered something into the latter's ear. Something that made him blush profusely. Nodding, Zhongli went up to Childe's room. While waiting, Childe went and did some dishes. After hearing the door creak open again, a call followed which told Childe to go up. As he leaned on the doorframe, Zhongli was there, hiding his face as much as possible. He was in that same bunny suit from before but instead of being curled up in a ball, he was standing straight, letting Childe see every part of him, excluding his face.

"Are you happy now?" Zhongli muttered.

"Very. Now, be a good bunny and lie down." Childe licked his lips at the sight of Zhongli obeying and he went to lock the door. "This is going to be a very eventful night."

Words: 1816

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