Chapter 7

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It was already afternoon, yet the day was only starting for (Name) since she only just woke up from her sleep

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It was already afternoon, yet the day was only starting for (Name) since she only just woke up from her sleep. Who would've thought that sleeping in the living room would be so comfortable than her own bed?

She sat up, still in the process of waking herself up. The two of her dogs barked and barked since they were getting hungry from all the sleeping they did.

Sighing, she them slowly stood up and went to the kitchen to give her hungry dogs some snacks for the day, so that they wouldn't ask for more later on.

Once she fed her dogs, she sat on the couch and stared at the turned off television. She was awake but her mind was still asleep, she's often like this when she doesn't have work for the day, but since she's on her break-- she can do this as much as she wants.

Moments after, only then she snapped out of her daydreaming. She shook her head and went to the bathroom to take a bath, so that she can wake herself up.

After taking a bath, she then tidied up her makeshift bed in the living room. She took the mattresses and pillows back to the place of where she took them, only after she pats the dust off of it.

She then ate her first meal of the day which was, her favourite fried rice, she made her usual fried rice for less than thirty minutes. She also had it with coffee, she eat while she watched a drama on her television.

Her television is her most favourite device she's ever had, it's her lifeline and would go mad if her television got broken.

When she was done eating, she finally stretched her limbs and texted Uki of what happened throughout her day since she didn't want him to worry, but she didn't tell him of her saving Luca from bleeding out in some alleyway.

She then looked at the time on her wall, it was quarter to two in the afternoon when she decided to take a walk at the park just with some little hope that she may see little Alban again. She did like the child's company, so she kind of wanted to look for him again.

Once she and her dogs were ready to leave her home, she smiled and would finally be able to touch grass today. She had Kiki on her stroller again and Kura walking on his own since he eats more than Kiki can, so he better be walking.

She took the bus and she went the same way as she did when she visited Ike Eveland's book signing event at the bookstore, so she remembers each and every way she had went before.

Smiling as she looked around, she felt really good today! She felt energized and she didn't feel tad bit depressed! She sighed in relief as she strolled around the park, looking for a small mop of brown hair.

"Kiki, do you want to walk?" She asked, crouching down at Kiki's level as she placed the leash on her little body. "Mhm? Oh yes, you do." She cooed the female dog and at the same time gently scratching her chin, making her purr in response.

Kura, on the other hand was barking as if he was saying, "Me too!" This made (Name) laugh but she rubs his chin after she had placed Kiki down on the ground.

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