Chapter five| 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒎 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒎

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"Thankyou Miyamura for helping me out", Hori smiled at the boy who was carrying the bags

"No problem Hori-san I was just passing by", the ravenette nodded his head

Miyamura insisted on helping Hori carry her stuff back home to which Hori agreed and the duo made their way to the Hori residence together

On the way, Hori heard an anime opening playing in the background of a store and she started humming with it which Miyamura didn't fail to notice

"You have a great voice Hori-san" Miyamura hummed looking at Hori

"Sorry I didn't mean to sing anime songs loudly in public", Kyouko spoke with embarrassment in her voice

"OII MIYAMURA", the ravenette heard a familiar voice

Y/n jogged towards him and Miyamura just gave her a bright smile

"L/n-san if you wanted something from the market, you could've just texted," Miyamura said rubbing the back of his head

"Oh I didn't come here to buy anything, was just out for a walk.", Y/n grinned

"Saw you both together, so I thought I should say 'hi'," she continued raising one eyebrow at Miyamura

"Good that you thought that way", Miyamura just let out a nervous chuckle while Hori stood there gazing between the two of them.

"So...What are you guys up to?", Y/n questioned this time looking at Hori

"Ah well, Miyamura was helping me out carrying the groceries to my place", Hori stated with a small smile

"He's too kind" Y/n replied

"For his own good" she added with a smile

Miyamura just blankly stared at her trying to read her thoughts

"Let me help you too, Kyouko", Y/n clapped her hands together trying to change the subject which didn't go unnoticed by Miyamura

"In return, you can make Ramyeon for me", Y/n chuckled taking a bag from Miyamura's grip

"Oh that sounds great to me", Kyouko beamed at female

Miyamura just stood on the sideline, carefully watching the interaction between the girls. He was scared about what was going on inside Y/n's head. But he knew she was the type of person who would confront him instead of keeping things to herself. So he tried to convince himself that he was just overthinking this one.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally got to the Hori residence

"Make yourself comfortable Y/n", Kyouko said with a small smile placing the bags on the dining table

"I'll start preparing the ingredients for Ramyeon", Kyouko said opening the door of the refrigerator

"Would you like me to help you with chopping the vegetables?" Y/n insisted placing her hand on her chin

"Don't worry I can manage", Kyouko said placing the vegetables on the kitchen counter

"By the time you guys can chat", Kyouko added facing the two of them with a happy face

"Also my little brother would be home soon. Please take care of him, Miyamura", She continued peeling off the carrots

"Don't worry Kyouko. We both will play with him", Miyamura said glancing at Y/n

With that Kyouko got busy with cooking and as for Miyamura and Y/n, they chose to stay in the kitchen making themselves comfortable on the dining table conversing about random things like music, new shows they are watching etc. Kyouko tried her best not to pay attention to the couple but she couldn't help and keep her ears alarmed to their conversation ,wondering whether they both are dating or not

𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖. [𝙼𝚒𝚢𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚊.𝙸]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang