All About Nia Nal

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(Y/n) stood in the bathroom as he pulled a clean shirt on. He had just taken a shower to start off his day. He turned to the mirror which was still all fogged up from the steam. He was surprised of course when he watched the words "cargo bay" appear as if someone was using a finger to write on he mirror.

"Who's doing that and how long have you been there?" (Y/n) asked quickly as he looked around.

Under the previous words appeared the boys answers. "Nia. Just arrived"

"Astral projection" (y/n) quickly remembered the power that he had once read dreamer possessed. "I'm on my way"


"Alright newbies" Sara clapped her hands together as she and the two newest legends stood in the cargo bay. "Let's see what you've got" Across from each of the two stood tables with three cups atop them. "(Y/n) use your gun, Nia use your powers"

Nia was in her costume while (y/n) wore his normal clothes. "Alright. Let's do this" (y/n) quickly pulled out his gun and shot at the cups. He missed once but managed to hit each cup.

"You Missed" Nia spoke before quickly making a whip that looked like a slinky and knocking down all of her cups with it. "I didn't"

"Shut up Slinky

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"Shut up Slinky. You've been a hero longer than I've been a crook" (y/n) shook his head as he put his gun away.

"Oh. That's a bad nickname" Nia whispered to herself.

"Ooh someone sounds sore" Sara watched (y/n) with a smirk as she put an arm around Nia's shoulder.

"Hey! You already have a wife. This one is mine" (y/n) quickly grabbed Nia's arm and pulled her to him.

"I wasn't-" Sara was quickly cut off by (y/n).

"Maybe not. But you do have a certain reputation" (y/n) wrapped his arms around Nia's waste. "This one is mine"

"No she isn't" Nia quickly replied as she looked up at (y/n).

"Give it time" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "If you weren't interested then you would have pulled away by now"

"He's right" Sara replied with a nod.

Nia just shook her head and sighed.


Nia's head lay against the keyboard of her laptop as she slept in the library. (Y/n) walked into the room and instantly spotted her. "Nia?" He walked over to the girl and shook her gently.

Nia's head quickly popped up. "I'm working, I'm working" she yawned before turning and noticing (y/n). "Oh, hey" she smiled tiredly.

"Did you not get any sleep last night?" (Y/n) removed his hand from her shoulder and crossed his arms.

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