Man Of Steel Part 3

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(I love Nia Nal so much, I can't do an arrowverse based book and not use her)

"Nia!" Kara opened the door and quickly hugged the newcomer to Clark's apartment.

"Kara!" The girl previously referred to as Nia quickly hugged Kara back. (Y/n) turned around at the girls voice to get a good look at her.

"Legends, hey!" Nia pulled away from the hug as she noticed the company

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"Legends, hey!" Nia pulled away from the hug as she noticed the company. "And Superman!"

"Hey Nia" Clark and Sara waved at once before the others all said hi in their own ways.

That's when Nia noticed (y/n). She locked eyes with him and smiled. "You're new right?"

"(Y/n) (l/n)" the boy stood up and smiled at her.

"So he can smile" Kara's not so quiet whisper was noticed by everyone except (y/n) and Nia, they were to engrossed in their introductions.

"Nia Nal" the girl replied as she walked closer to the boy.

"Sit with me?" (Y/n) pulled out the chair beside him which had previously belonged to supergirl.

"I'm-" Kara began before realizing they weren't paying attention to her.

"Looks like that seat's in use" Nia pointed to the plate with food on it.

(Y/n) glanced around the table but there was no free seat. "Take my seat then" (y/n) motioned to his seat. "I'm done eating anyways" he pulled the chair out.

Nia asked if he was sure and he reassured her he was. She sat down and he pushed the chair back in. "Excuse me a minute while I freshen up" Nia shrugged and (y/n) left.

"That was sickeningly sweet" John Constantine spoke once (y/n) was out of earshot.

Zari looked down the hall (y/n) had disappeared down. "Anyone else worried he's stealing something?"

"Stealing?" Nia asked cautiously.

"Nah" Sara shook her head. "NOT FROM PEOPLE WHO CAN WATCH HIM WITH X-RAY VISION!" Clark laughed as Sara yelled in the direction the boy had disappeared.

"I've never seen him so considerate" Behrad looked Nia over, the others were quick to do the same.

"I'm really confused" was all Nia whispered as Kara just shook her head. She stuck her hand into her pocket and her eyes quickly widened. "He swiped my phone!" She turned back in the direction the boy had disappeared in. Everyone laughed at that.

"He'll give it back" Behrad quickly spoke.

"Told you he was stealing something" Zari spoke with a smug smile.

"And here I thought we had finally seen his okayish side" Sara shook her head.

"I'm confused. Is he interested in Nia or not?" Nate whispered to Behrad who just shrugged in response.

After a few more minutes (y/n) reappeared with the phone in hand. "There are no games on this primitive thing"

Nia seemed to take offense to that. "There's a game folder right on the Home Screen"

"Sorry. I should have been more clear. No good games" (y/n) shrugged before walking back to Nia and dropping her phone in her lap. "Do yourself a favor and download DoodleJump"

"I'll give it some thought" Nia held the phone to her chest defensively. "What else did you do with this?"

"Scrolled through your photos first, some cute ones but none of the kind of things one would steal a phone for" everyone gave him a surprised look so he clarified. "I meant social security numbers, safe combinations, things of that nature"

"Sure you did" Zari rolled her eyes.

"Anywho, after that I went through your purchase history on Amazon. It was very boring. After that I just gave up on finding anything interesting, so I ordered you some stuff" Nia quickly turned her phone on and her eyes widened when she saw the number of orders that were placed.

"I'm going to need a second job" Nia muttered as she bit her lip anxiously.

"Just cancel the orders" Sara spoke with a shrug. Nia began to open the return page for one of the orders when (y/n) spoke again.

"Fine. Don't keep the things the guy from the future ordered for you" Nia's eyes widened at the idea of the man being from the future. "Not like he knows what appreciates in value as time goes on" Nia slowly closed the page and put her phone back down. "Good girl"


"Is that the wizard?" Zari asked as she glared at a confused old man.

"You have got to stop asking that every time you see an old man" Nate replied over the comms as (y/n) laughed from beside Zari.

It was the day after meeting Superman and the others and they were currently all out looking for Merlin.

"Focus guys" supergirls voice came through.

"Wait she's not here is she?" (Y/n) asked quickly. "I would think we should try and limit kryptonians in this area"

"Don't worry your pretty little head. I'm back at Clark's place. Helping Nia finish up some work stuff" (y/n) nodded before going back to looking around.

"Oh. There he is" (y/n) spoke causing Zari to quickly turn her head.

"Yeah..." Zari nodded slowly. "I suppose I should have suspected the guy with the wizard hat"

 "I suppose I should have suspected the guy with the wizard hat"

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(I just googled DC Merlin and found this picture. No clue if this is really supposed to be him or not)

"Stay put. We're on our way" Sara's voice spoke sternly.

"I've got this" (y/n) hit a button that turned his comm off and quickly pulled something from his pocket.

Zari's eyes widened at the sight of the gun. "Where did you get that?!" She whisper yelled.

"From our time. I would have thought someone on your team would have searched me for weapons" (y/n) cocked the gun before aiming at Merlin. "Bang" the gun fired.

Word count: 970

(Here. Enjoy some Nia)

 Enjoy some Nia)

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