Present 11

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 Lan Zhan as he said he slowly get to know his parents, visiting their castle once a week, servants and everyone in the castle who saw him was truly attracted to him not only because of his looks but also because of his gentle nature, though cold outside he was respectful and gentle to everyone earning almost everyone's trust and respect. Johnny who was assigned to be his personal guard was also getting more close to him that both treat each other as sibling

"so should we also start calling you your highness now?" Yang Yang jokingly said to Yibo who scoffed

"stop" Yibo said hiding his face, he was still not comfortable with all the changes happening around him, since king and queen Wang announced that he was indeed the missing Prince

"get used to it already Yibo" Lusi said, since he was pronounced as the missing prince his name was also changed which was also a struggle for him to get used to that sometimes he gets confused when they call him Yibo

"still not used at your name?" ask Wei Ying noticing Yibo's reaction

"it's not that easy to change the name you were used to since child" he sighed

"anyways kin- I mean mom and dad wanted you all to come next time" Yibo said, even calling his parents was pretty hard for him

He was never used to any of those, he was never used to call someone mom or dad, he was never used to the name Wang Yibo, he was never used to everyone showing him respect every time they see him that's why he was most comfortable when he's with his friends since nothing actually changed between them they treat each other equally, exactly the way he wanted, everyone treating each other equal

"why not" Yang Yang happily agreed

"yeah right you were always with Johnny which is obviously so unfair" Lusi said pointing at Johnny who just shrugged

"well I am his royal guard" he replied

"I told you not to call yourself like that" Yibo immediately interceded

"I know I know" Johnny said patting his head with a smile then he looked at Wei Ying knowing the other was a little jealous he smirked

"what?" Wei Ying asked looking away concentrating in his book which is obviously not working

"am I smelling some jealousy here?" Lusi teased

Yibo was well aware of Wei Ying's feeling's towards him as Wei Ying admitted his feelings though he said that he won't make a move until Yibo settled and was well adjusted in his life, respecting and giving Yibo more time to do one thing at a time not wanting to stress him more which made Yibo's heart flutter, it truly made him happy

"who's jealous?" Wei Ying ask feigning ignorance

"obviously you" Yang Yang joined the teasing, the three truly loved to tease Wei Ying when it comes to Yibo

"I'm not" he insisted

"you are" Lusi insisted

"no" Wei Ying denied

"alright you two" Lusi and Wei Ying's fight was always exciting for the other three as they fight like a dog and cat yet they always get along and was always the trouble maker of the group

"sometimes I really wonder who's your boyfriend" Yang Yang chuckled

"don't worry you are stuck with me forever your highness I'll curse you if you ever leave me" Lusi answered playfully yet everyone knows she was serious with her threats

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