Present 5

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"Lan Zhan gege" a girl happily run towards him and Lan Zhan crouch down with an open arms as the child run to his embrace

"how are you little candy?" he ask sweetly

"I've missed you gege why come only now" the kid pouted making Lan Zhan pinch her puffy cheeks

"gege told you already didn't he, he needs to attend school and he will not be able to come here always" another girl in Lan Zhan's age came out approaching the two

"mother" the kid smiled but stayed in Lan Zhan's embrace as Lan Zhan stood up carrying the child with him

"why did you come this late" ask the lady

"Chen Xiao do you know where father is?" ask Lan Zhan

"your father was in isolation since you left" Chen Xiao answered

"I see then I suppose I can't meet him, then please tell him I came" Lan Zhan said putting the child down

"I need to go back the university now" Lan Zhan said then he look at the child

"little candy gege needs to go again" he said with a smile

"then is gege coming back again tomorrow?" ask the child

"I'm sorry candy but I can't" Lan Zhan replied

"the day after tomorrow?" the child ask cutely

"gege will come back but I don't know when exactly little candy" Lan Zhan explained making the child sad

"listen here candy gege will come back I promise and when I come back I'll take you out again deal?" Lan Zhan consoled the child

"promise?" the child again cheered up

"promise" Lan Zhan smiled and kissed her forehead

"be good especially to your father" Lan Zhan said before he nod towards Chen Xiao and left disappearing into the darkness of the night

Lan Zhan reached the university when it's dawn so he again entered his bathroom to clean himself and after that he went to his bed to have a quick nap before his class for the day

"you look like you didn't sleep well last night" Wei Ying said to Lan Zhan

"kind of" Lan Zhan replied with a yawn

"what kept you awake?" as Lusi curiously and Lan Zhan just shrugged and continued to eat his food lazily

The day passed rather slow for Lan Zhan who was struggling to keep his eyes open during their history class. It's their evaluation day again and this time it was changed, they were assigned an activity wherein they have to complete a quest given to them

"this time the location will be in the Forest of the Lost" said one of the elders

"Forest of the Lost?" Wei Ying ask as it was his first time hearing that place

"Forest of the Lost is named like that for a reason, somehow when you enter there leaving is almost impossible it's like a maze it is only those elders knew the ways inside the forest" Johnny explained

"they've chosen a difficult location though this is only our second week in the school" Yang Yang commented

"everyone is required to enter the forest after 30 minutes please be prepared" again the elder said and all students starts to disperse to go get the necessary things they'll be needing for the quest

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