Present 2

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 Ying who was still in shock struggled to dress himself up for his first day of class as there was no such thing as orientation in that school

'where on earth is this place' Ying can only ask himself as when he look out he can only see a vast forest surrounding the academy

'I wish I hadn't sleep then I should've known the way to go back' he regretted as he finally found his class

Once he entered almost all eyes are on him which made him a little uncomfortable making him walk fast to the back part of the room and lowered his head to avoid all those stares he's getting. After a while all students was once again back to whatever they are doing until another boy entered the room and not only the girls was frozen in place as well as the boys and that includes Ying who has his mouth slightly open at the beauty of the said boy

The boy seemed to not care about everyone's stare at him as his face remain stoic as he majestically walked towards the back and sit near the window which was just beside Ying and lowered his head

"who's that?"

"he's so hot"

"he's more beautiful than a girl"

"look at his skin it's so white like a snow"

Those are some whispers that can be heard around the room but still the boy doesn't even care everyone just shut their mouths when their professor entered their room

"I see we got more new students in this class" the professor said with a smile

"by the way I am your homeroom teacher I am professor Li Min since we've got time before your history class why won't you all introduce yourselves so that everyone can familiarize with each other you can simply state your name and your ability" Professor Li Min said

'abilities?' Ying questioned himself

"let's start here at the front" smiled the professor

"hello everyone my name is Zhao Lusi and I am a witch" she introduce herself

"Yang Yang here also a witch" the boy beside Lusi said and winked making the girls squeal

"Huang Johnny is the name a magic user I can control water" the boy beside Yang Yang

While the introduction keep going Wei Ying was in great shock with everything he's hearing

'magic? 4 elements? Witches?' he questioned his mind as the storm inside of him was raging

'where am I? I didn't belong here' he thought as he was about to stand up to walk out when a cold yet soft and gentle hand stop him when he look at the owner of that hand the boy who was sleeping a while ago was now staring at him with his golden eyes

"just tell them you didn't know what's your ability yet" he coldly said as he retracted his hands from Ying's and once again Ying can only sit there dumbfounded

"next" the professor said and it was Ying's turn

"I'm Wei Ying and I still didn't know my ability" he introduce himself following the boy's suggestion and everyone look at him like they don't believe him at all

"Lan Zhan, my abilities are still unknown like him" the boy beside him introduce himself diverting everyone's attention which made Ying internally thank the stranger named Lan Zhan

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