"You And Me"

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Dedicated to cocoamelon23


So what if nothing was more embarrassing to sniff your bedsheets with your best friend turned "enemy"? What was more embarrassing- at least to Grey - was the fact that he was caught eating out of the cookie jar his mother kept on the fridge. By Nathaniel.

"That little snitch," he thought.

Now he can't eat anymore because his mother told Nate to put it somewhere else. He has been looking everywhere this morning but can't find it. He felt like crushing the kid into its bitsy pieces. Hell, he should have done it a long time ago.

"Hey!" July's voice made him jump.

"Hey, sugar!" he throws his around her as they walk through the crowded hallways. He felt the glares and the "seriously?" stares as they did. He couldn't care less, though. Hoes before bitches that don't matter, that's his motto.

"How were your classes so far?" he asked

"They're okay. So far. You?" she smiled as she clutched the books in her arms closer to her chest. He could tell she was nervous. He has to lighten the mood somehow.

"Terrible, math's the worst!" he lied. He doesn't have math on Thursday mornings.

She giggled, definitely seeming less uneasy. "Of course, and it always will be!"

"You free after school? I wanna show you something." They both stopped near their respective lockers.

"Um... I'm grounded, remember?" she frowned.

"Ah. Right."

She put her books in her locker and takes out another. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault," he smiled at her. Staring at her with soft eyes. "It's mine."

"I chose to."

"Because you felt like you had no other choice but to." Biology? Nah. Chemistry? Does he have Chemistry?

"Do I?"

Grey flashed her a grin. "I don't think so."

"Right," she asserted. "So it's my fault."



And that's the bell. July closed her locker, more like slammed it, and waited for Grey to slam his. Grey shoved the books he found in his bag and slammed the locker like his life depended on it. So hard that all the other lockers shook and some books fell out of an open locker.

"Oops," he snickered.

"That's mean, Grey!" July scolded.

"What? It was an accident!"

July crossed her arms across her chest sassily, quirking an eyebrow as she did it. Sassy, sassy, sassy. "Sure."

"Plus, you do it all the time!" he reasoned.

"Because my locker is so damn old, it won't even shut properly!" she laughed.

"You won this battle, my love, but you will not win the war!"

"What war?"

Grey laughed at her confusion, wrapping his arm around her again. Pulling her body closer to him as they walked back to where they came from.

"It's just something stupid I made up," he clarified, jolly. "Don't mind it."

"You seem way happier than when I first met you," she pointed out.

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