Y/n raised her eyebrows and nodded, "hmm, seems like a completely normal reaction to me"

Hermione chuckled, "well, I guess we're both just upset at each other now. I'm trying not to make Harry choose a side, but it almost seems like he's siding with Ron. But, I understand. I mean, they share a dorm and everything. He still talks to me, though. Which is nice." She shrugged.

"You know what? Fuck him. If you ever need to talk, or you're just lonely, call me up. I'll make time for you momma" Y/n winked.

"I'm sorry if this puts you in an awkward position,"

"Nah, not at all." Y/n brushed it off, "so, I'm sorry if this touches a nerve, but who are you taking to the Christmas party?"



"I- I wanted to take the person who would make Ron the most upset."

"And that is..?"





"Who else then?"

"Anyone! I'm sure loads of people would be happy to take you. I can set you up with someone. Maybe Jimmy... he may be slightly annoying, but at least he'll actually be looking at your eyes when you're talking." Y/n said.


"Or me! I'll take you! I will make the sacrifice! Harry can go with Jimmy." Y/n gestured wildly as she spoke.

"I already said yes to Cormac,"

"So, tell him you changed your mind."

"Look, it'll be fine." Hermione tried to reason with her.

"... fine. But if he does or says anything that makes you uncomfortable, come to me."

Hermione nodded, "thank you Y/n. I've never really had a... friend that was a girl before."

"Don't worry about it,"

Both girls turned their heads at the sound of someone coming down the stairs from their dormitory.

Romilda Vane emerged, but went pale at the sight of Y/n sitting there, and turned right around and left.

"What's up with her?" Hermione inquired.

Y/n couldn't stop smiling, "oh, she just tried to convince me Harry was cheating on me. I pretended I was gonna murder him, so now she thinks I'm a psychopath."

"Oh. Lovely."

The girls chatted for awhile, lounging on the sofa.

"I'm sorry if it's weird for me to ask this, but... what was your first kiss like? I know how that sounds, I just don't really know..."

"Have you never kissed someone?" Y/n asked.

"Well... not technically" Hermione admitted.

"Whatttttt? How?"

She just shrugged.

"Well, it kind of just happened. I don't really remember," Y/n started, "It wasn't that spectacular, since it was both ours first kiss. We were kind of just, not kissing, then we were. And then weren't again. I had no clue what to do, but I just had to go with the flow because I started it."

"Is it hard?"

Y/n smirked.

"Not like that! I mean, was it hard to learn? To kiss?"

The Boy Who Simped (h.j.p.x reader social media au)Where stories live. Discover now