"Okay, tell Maggie I said what's up." I informed as I hung up.

I plopped down on the bed then looked at the bullet that was resting on my night stand. I picked it up and pressed the small button to feel it began to aggressively vibrate then I turned it off.

"Should I go for it?"

Maggie's POV

"Yo what up Yoo-mi?" Maggie greeted as she stood by the gym entrance.

"Hey, I just got off the phone with Yn, she said hi." Yoo-mi informed Maggie.

"Ah shit, tell her I said what's the word." Maggie chuckled as they went inside the gym.

"So how you been lately?" Yoo-mi asked.

"You know, just vibin', tryna get money and shit." Maggie replied as she picked up some 75 lbs dumbbells. "What about you?"

"Just...the same." Yoo-mi hesitated.

"Yo, you good?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, just remembering some dumb shit." Yoo-mi sighed out.

Maggie could tell that it had to be something traumatic that Yoo-mi was remembering but, to be considerate, she didn't pry. 

During their workout session, a guy came up to them and was a little too close to Yoo-mi.

"Hey, you're not doing that workout right." The guy pointed out.

Yoo-mi stopped what she was doing.

"What? I've done this workout before and nobody said anything about it being wrong." Yoo-mi pointed out.

The guy placed a hand on Yoo-mi's shoulder, making her uncomfortable. 

This began to alert Maggie as she set the dumbbells down.

"Trust me, I'm a professional." The guy gloated. "I can show you how to do the workout correctly."

The guy then got behind Yoo-mi and placed his hands on her hips.

"N-no thanks, I don't need any help." Yoo-mi stammered out.

"No, I insist." The guy assured her as he continued to feel on Yoo-mi's hips.

"I said I don't need any help." Yoo-mi declined beginning to get scared at this guy's perverted nature.

"Relax, I don't bite." The creep stated.

"Ayo, she said she don't need any help." Maggie called out. "Can't you see that she's not comfortable with you touching on her?"

"Excuse me sir, this is none of your business." The creep rudely spoke out.

"Si-Nigga I'm a girl!" Maggie yelled out, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Do you have a pussy?" The creep asked. 

"That's none of your business!" Maggie yelled.

"Lemme see, because if you say that you're a woman, you need to prove it." The creep stupidly stated.

Yoo-mi shoved the creep away from her.

"You're not entitled to know her business!" Yoo-mi exclaimed. "Do you know how perverted you sound saying that?"

"What? This guy here is saying that he's a chick, if he's a chick then he needs to show me." The creep argued back.

"I AM A CHICK!" Maggie screamed in a deep voice before she covered her mouth.

"See? A guy." The creep pointed out. "Why don't you leave me and this chick alone? I'm not into guys who cross dress."

Yoo-mi punched the creep in the face while Maggie elbowed him in the gut. Both Yoo-mi and Maggie began to stomp and kick the pervert until security came and broke it up.

"Get this sick fuck out of here!" Yoo-mi yelled out.

"He over here sexually harassing us!" Maggie screamed out.

The pervert was kicked out of the gym while everyone cheered for Yoo-mi and Maggie.

"Yo, you okay?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Yoo-mi spoke in a cracked voice.

Maggie looked to see that she was getting ready to cry so she grabbed both of their gym bags.

"Hey, lemme take you home." Maggie offered.

Yoo-mi nodded her head as tears began to slip out of her eyes.

During the drive home, Maggie looked to see Yoo-mi looking out the window.

"I'm...sorry for crying." Yoo-mi spoke out.

"Girl, what you saying sorry for? I'm not gonna get mad at you for crying." Maggie questioned. "You had ever right to react the way you did, that guy was a fucking sick bastard."

"Yeah but this ain't the first time I've encounter one." Yoo-mi sighed out.

Maggie's eyes grew wide.

"What you mean!?"

Jung Jae's POV

"Wow, she's hot!" Jung Jae exclaimed as he drooled over a photo of a scantily clad woman.

He swiped his phone to see another photo of a woman who was also half naked.

"Damn!" Jung Jae exclaimed.

Hae-soo was sitting next to him on the couch. He sighed.

"Jung Jae, is this the reason why you invited me over? Just to see you lust after bimbos?" Hae-soo asked.

"Nah, I invited you to hang out with me, your bro!" Jung Jae exclaimed.

"Jung Jae, someday you're gonna realize that not all women will go for guys like you." Hae-soo stated.

"What?" Jung Jae scoffed. "Chicks do dig cool guys."

"Dude, we're not in high school anymore." Hae-soo groaned out. "I thought you'd grow out that phase."

"What do you mean?" Jung Jae asked.

"How you're acting right now...you're a total douchebag." Hae-soo bluntly replied.

"What? No way! Ya think so?" Jung Jae asked.

"Yes dude, why you think you kept getting water thrown at you or punched in the balls most of the time?" Hae-soo questioned. "It's not cool dude, you're just making yourself look like a creep."

"Some friend you are." Jung Jae grumbled.

"If I wasn't your friend, I wouldn't be giving it to you straight and just continue to enable you." Hae-soo pointed out. "One of these days, the personality you have will determine the type of woman you'll end up with."

Hae-soo got up and walked to the door.

"When that time happens, don't say I didn't told you so." Hae-soo advised as he walked out the door.

"Pssh, like that's ever gonna happen." Jung Jae laughed as he continued to lust over photos of women.

"I'll find the right woman one day."

September 3rd, 2022

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