The lost still wander.

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They walked for what felt like an eternity and were lucky enough to not encounter any other souls out here. They had seen two enter so far but they were far away from the entrace part. There had been no sign of Gerards bosses either so she hoped their movements had gone unnoticed for a while, she was worried they would be at the other end waiting for them.

The light in the sky was growing slightly duller now and she realised daytime here must pass much quicker than she was used to. The worried look on Gerards face was becoming more evident too as the sky darkened and she worried what they would encounter at nightfall. There was no way they would make it out before then.


'Yeah' He replied quickly too distracted with looking around to be fully paying attention.

'What are we going to do when it's dark?'

'There's a cave nearby I've just got to remember where, we can stay in there for the night' He kicked a rock in frustration at not finding it already.

She stopped for a second and looked up the sky was even darker now, so dark she could start to see the stars peeking through the twilight glow. They would lose visibility soon with no lights or torches with them and that meant being stuck in the open where anything could Sneak up undetected.

Out of nowhere she felt a hand touch her shoulder and as she turned around in fright her eyes went wide. In front of her was a woman, but her skin was all wrinkled and dried out like it wasn't sitting right on her bones. She only had one bright blue eye and a smile that made her look unhinged. She was covered in rubble dust which made her look even paler than her already dead self, was this one of the souls who never made it out? Whatever she was it was terrifying to encounter.

'I won't hurt you my love, we have been waiting for you to get here. Finally it's coming to pass!' A croaky voice emitted from the woman as released her from her grip causing her to stumble backwards a few steps. Looking around she realised she could no longer see Gerard and felt the panic rise up into her chest.

'What do you mean waiting for me? I'm not who you think I am! Im not meant to be here' She said desperately wanting to run but it had grown even darker and she was having problems working out which way they had been heading.

'Oh but you are my love and we've been waiting such a long time for you. Much prettier than I'd imagined. Yes your going to do well here yes'

'Ok lady, I need to find my friend and get out of here was nice chatting but I need to go.' She took a few steps backwards as she spoke gearing herself to attempt to run.

'Your friend yes, he's on his way back to you now. I've met him before you know, too kind for this land. But that's all part of the plan as are you!'

'I...I dont understand what are you trying to tell me?'

'Together you are the chosen. Together you can rule and rule you shall! Fairly and just. A welcome relief to us all. But first you must fix his heart..but I feel you already have started on that I sense a love growing inside of him. You feel your destiny calling dont you? You know you belong here. Join us, stay and fulfill your fate'

She had no more words for the woman, none of this made any sense and her words were making her want to run for the portal and leave this place. She felt so overwhelmed in the moment her breathing was becoming fast and she was struggling to fight the panic rising. The woman reached out and grabbed her hand, placing a torch in her palm.

'Your going to need this now go! Go find him destiny awaits. We will look out for you as much as we can this must come to pass my love'

She turned around looking for Gerard again he must be close she needed to get away, when she turned back the woman had vanished. She stumbled backwards again, maybe she had been hallucinating?

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