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She didn't dream of the parade again for a full week. She was starting to think she had some sort of mental break and had hallucinated the whole thing. She avoided thinking about it, about him not wanting to believe he had been in front of her.

The creepy guy from the bar hadn't returned either and she was curious what happened to him that night, no news stories related to it had popped up. What happened that night?

She settled into bed shattered after her last shift at the bar trying to think of anything but the parade. It however was almost like she had willed it into existence as when she opened her eyes she was back on the dusty city road, the air thick with rubble dust making her cough. She stood frozen not knowing what to do, the parade would be here soon but she had spoke to him now did she still hide?

Hearing the marching band in the distance, instinct took over and she found herself squeezing into the sane hideout she used last time. Once again she watched through a gap as the parade slowly passed by, the array of collected souls aimlessly following alongside. He was there leading the band as usual, his screams echoing through the microphone. It caught her off guard when he turned back and looked straight at her and smiled. Fuck he couldn't see her here no way she thought looking around to check she was fully hidden from sight. When she glanced back he was still smiling In her direction before winking as he turned back to finish his song.

She wanted to run, escape back into her world but this time she stayed rooted to the spot, frozen. It was so confusing was there something here she needed to do? Something she needed to see? There had to be a reason she kept being pulled into this place. Maybe this one time she should see if there's more to this place than this street but did she dare to?

She sat there in the same place for what felt like an eternity trying to will herself out. The internal battle of fight or flight was well and truly activated and she didn't know whether to investigate or run.

'You shouldn't stay there much longer you know, someone might find you' his soft voice came out of nowhere making her jump up bashing her head against the wall.

'Fuck don't scare me like that, Jesus if your going to collect my soul you don't have to scare the shit out of me first' the pain of the impact made her forget her fear for a second and then she heard him laugh. A real laugh, almost joyous, not at all what she had expected.

'Why haven't you run yet?' He asked calmly composing himself.

'I don't know' She replied curtly still pissed he laughed at her, it was all so surreal how could she be expected to think straight?

'Come with me I want to show you something' He asked reaching out a gloved hand towards her.

She hesitated slightly, before placing her hand in his and allowing him to help her climb from the rubble. She could probably outrun him if she tried, she could be fast when she needed to be.

'What do you want to show me?'

'Please, it's will be easier to explain when you see it' He pulled her slightly towards him beckoning for her to follow.

Her curiosity peaked and she followed silently behind him as they weaved around crumbling buildings. Her head was constantly snapping around at every sound unsure if anyone else would try and Sneak up on her, she had no clue of whether she was in danger or not.

'You will be safe with me, for now. No one else but me comes out this far unless the parade is rolling through' He said noticing her nervousness.

'Why should I trust you. You could be leading me to my death for all I know.'

'If I wanted you dead I would have done it on your first visit. Now come on we are almost there'

She didn't know how to respond to that, there was too many questions running through her head at once to pick one out so she stayed silent. After a short time he stopped dead in front of her she had to stop herself knocking into him. Climbing over some bricks so she was next to him she gazed out in front of them and gasped. They were standing on the edge of a sheer drop, a huge crater in the ground that spread out almost endlessly for miles. The sky was all different hues of grey and white, like someone had taken all the colour out of a sunset. What seemed to be the sun cast beams through the grey into the belly of the crater.

'Sit. I'll explain while we watch, one should be coming through soon.' He said sitting on part of broken wall indicating for her to do the same.

'What is this? What will be coming through?' She asked concious if how close to him she needed to sit to not fall from the wall.

'This is where the souls enter limbo. Once through they must find their own way to the city where we collect them'

'What happens if they don't find their way?' She asked as in front of her from between the grey clouds a person appeared hurtling towards the ground. She gasped as they hit the floor of the crater with a thud and rolled through the dust.

'Don't worry they don't feel the pain when they arrive. They don't even realise what's happening until they wake up on the ground. To answer your question though, those who don't find the city wander out here until they do.'

'Do they all find their way?'

'Not always, some have been wandering an eternity, limbo is not somewhere you want to stay too long it drives a soul insane.'

He turned to look at her reaction as he spoke and she looked at him properly for the first time. He had a rounded face but yet a strong jawline, making him appear both younger and older at the same time. His eyelashes were long and dark in contrast to his lighter green eyes. To her surprise he didn't look like what she would imagine of a soul collector, this could be some random customer in the bar.

'It sounds more like Hell than limbo' she said almost in a whisper.

'Every soul has their place to be, sometimes they get lost and that's why I'm here. I collect the lost'

His words ran through her like a knife. She had always considered herself lost. Never knowing what path in life to follow, what she should be doing. Friends came and went she never really settled into a relationship and they were normally over before they began. This would be her fate.

'You save them or banish them?'

'I like to think it's saving them in a way. I help some move on to where they should be, other choose to stay and march on the parade with us.' He said thoughtfully.

'I don't know what to say. This is all so much to take in. I still don't know why I'm here.'

'I'd like to know too. Your different, alive. You don't even arrive in the same way. The crack in the wall you leave by never used to be there before your first visit.'

'How did you get here, become this?'

'Some questions we will save another time. I'll need to get you back to your world now. The night time here will not be safe for you. Come on I'll walk you back.'

He didn't really speak any further on the walk back to the wall. She was grateful for the silence as her head was too full of what she had seen and been told to handle anymore. Once they were at the crack In the wall she felt his hand on her shoulder.

'Just one question before you leave. How did you find this and know it would take you home?'

'I'm not sure, the first time I just ran in the opposite direction of the parade and ended up here. It seemed like I could climb in and hide but then I felt this sort of buzz and next thing I knew I was home.' She explained as best as she could.

'So curious! Now get going the sky is darkening. Remember my words from before be careful in your real life or your place here will be permanent'

'Thank you for the other night. Saving me from that guy. What did you do with him?'

'I can't tell you that but your welcome and I promise you won't have to worry about him returning. Now go, please times running out. I'll see you again.'

'See you again?' But he never answered instead pushing her gently into the crack in the wall sending electric coursing through her bones.

She woke up drenched in sweat in her bed. The sun was already up and pouring through the window hurting her eyes. Fuck how long had she slept?

She was more confused than ever.

Escaping the black paradeWhere stories live. Discover now