Part 40

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 "I can't believe we're finally done!" Elizabeth exclaimed, flopping back on Robin's couch.

"I know, it feels both exciting and terrifying at the same time," said Robin. "I mean, we're adults now. Like, technically we were adults at eighteen but not really. Now we have to work real jobs and we'll have responsibilities. I don't know if I am responsible enough to be an adult."

Elizabeth laughed. They were hanging out in Robin's dorm for a bit. Their graduation had been yesterday and Robin was moving into a place with Vickie next week. They had wanted to spend one last time, just the two of them, hanging in the place they had called home together for the last four years.

"You are going to be an amazing adult," Elizabeth assured her. "You will be the adultiest adult anyone has ever seen. And, you'll have Vickie to reign you in."

"True. She is the perfect rationality to my insanity. So, Eddie didn't tell you where you're going?"

"Nope. He said it's a surprise."

Eddie had told her that he wanted them to celebrate her finishing school, just the two of them. They had a party at their place last weekend with their nearest and dearest. Her mom, Dustin, Uncle Wayne, Gareth, Jeff, Robin, Vickie, Steve, and Nancy had all come and it had been fantastic. It had been a little cramped in their tiny apartment but it couldn't have been any more fun. And at her graduation, Eddie cheered the loudest of everybody when she walked across the stage.

"No hints even?" Robin questioned.

"None. Trust me, I have tried. I mean, I told him I at least needed to know what to wear," she said, sighing and shaking her head. "He told me I look beautiful no matter what I am wearing so it doesn't matter. Guys, they don't get it. What if I wear jeans and a tee and he takes me to a fancy restaurant or something and I look ridiculous?"

"Okay, so go in between," Robin offered. "Like, do jeans but with a nice top. That way you're kind of ready for casual or fancy or anything in between."

"That's an idea," she mused. "So, are you so excited to be moving in with Vickie next week?"

Robin grinned from ear to ear. "I am. I know we've only actually been dating for a little while, but I am a smitten kitten, Elizabeth. She is perfect in absolutely every way. And, I wish we could just be public about our relationship, but this way we can be together in all the ways that matter."

"Aww...I am so happy for you," Elizabeth gushed. "I have been wishing for this for you for so long. It's so great to see you happy. If anyone deserves it, it's you."

"Thanks. Speaking of and Eddie seem to be blissfully cohabitating."

"We are," she said, smiling. "I was worried at first, you know? I thought maybe living together, seeing all the normal things people do in a day, would take the magic out of it. But it hasn't, and honestly, as much as we were staying at each other's places, we already saw all that stuff. I mean, Eddie has known what I look like first thing in the morning for a while, and if it hasn't scared him off yet, I'm probably okay."

"That boy isn't going anywhere," Robin laughed. "I have seen the way he looks at you. There's nothing you're going to do to scare him off at this point. He's in deep."

"Girl, if he's in deep, I am in the Mariana Trench," Elizabeth said. "I did not know it was possible to be this happy. I mean, we were happy when we were younger. I loved him so much, but this time, it's so much more. I don't know how to explain it. It''s like before, he was imprinted on my skin, like a tattoo. This time, it's like he's burrowed in and has become a part of my very being. I feel like if I lost him, I would just cease to exist. It's absolutely the most enjoyable feeling I've ever had, but it's also scary as hell because what if I did lose him?"

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