Lu Hai Kong held onto me and continued crying for quite a while. Father Song couldn’t stand it anymore. “Alright, alright! I won’t beat you anymore. Tonight, you need to kneel in front of the ancestral hall and reflect on what you’ve done.”

Lu Hai Kong slept with me in the ancestral hall. I slept against a pillar while he slept on my lap.

The next day when I woke up, Lu Hai Kong blinked and pulled at his sleeve. He said, “Yun Xiang, look, you drooled a lot while sleeping. I wiped it all away for you.”

I raised my eyebrows and poked his forehead. “Don’t say things that embarrass me.”

He nodded, sat up, and said, “I won’t be disgusted.”

I twitched my lips. You won’t mind now, because you’re still young. Wait till you get your memory back. Then I don’t know how you’ll look (in a bad way) at me.

Lu Hai Kong held onto my neck and smiled. “When I grow up, Yun Xiang won’t be punished anymore. No matter what you do, you won’t be punished. I’ll protect you.”

“How much skill do you have? Don’t learn a playboy’s lying words.”

Lu Hai Kong didn’t say anything and kept holding me. This quiet moment in the sun made me want to hug him and fiercely kiss him.

From that day on, the people from the general’s mansion felt that the little young master played less, woke up early, treated his homework more seriously than before, and used more strength to learn martial arts.

Did he find out that I was up to no good and was beginning to guard against me? Or… was he really determined to protect me? This was a joke! I used so much energy trying to kill this little guy, yet he still wanted to protect me? When Chu Kong hears this, he would die from laughing.

Anyway, in the future, for a very long time, every day after I woke up I would see this brat drenched in sweat. He would lay on the edge of my bed and excitedly tell me how early he woke up, how long he practiced martial arts for, and how many poems he had memorized.

Listening to him tell me every day about what he did that morning, I was distraught. If…if it went on like this, how could I still fight with you, little bastard?

Those days had lasted till Lu Hai Kong was ten, and I was fifteen. The miss from the prime minster's mansion, Song Yun Xiang finally received her hairpin ceremony.

In that year, on a summer day in July, father Song prohibited me from being alone with Lu Hai Kong all of a sudden, a stern expression on his face. I knew that it was because of father Song’s Confucianism thoughts. I had ignored him. But in the next month, I really didn’t see Lu Hai Kong.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon was in a perfect circle, and a weird smell came to the prime minister’s mansion. I turned my head and saw that there was a wave of smoke rising from the general’s mansion. The fire burned for a long while, overshadowing the moon’s bright light.

I blinked, thinking about how stern father Song had been these past days and the missing Lu Hai Kong. Suddenly, I understood. Something had happened in court.

I wiped my mouth, which was covered in mooncake crumbs, and stood up. Father Song asked, “Where are you going?”

“To my chamber. I’m done eating.”

Father Song wrinkled his brow and gave orders to the guard. “Guard the Miss. Tonight, she isn’t allowed to go anywhere.”

I went back to my room. There was an extremely big fire next to us, but father Song didn’t even go to take a look. It must be the order of someone higher up. Otherwise, who would dare to do this at the General’s mansion? Lu Hai Kong was doomed this time. After ten years, he finally reincarnated and broke our seven lifetimes of love.

While walking to my room, we passed the ancestral hall. I suddenly thought of that day when Lu Hai Kong was in my arms, looking at me with bright eyes full of hope. He said I had drooled on his sleeves, so much that it soaked his sleeves. Humph, who would drool so much?

I couldn’t take one step further. Let…let me just help him collect his corpse. After all, we had been fighting for so many years.


Poor Lu Hai Kong. He’s still so young and need to go through this.

1. 家法 (jiā , home discipline): father Song literally said bring out the home discipline. When someone did something wrong, they’ll be punished according to the rules of their homes. If they did really wrong, they’ll most likely be beaten with the stick.
2. Getting the hairpin ceremony: in ancient China a girl, a woman and a wife have different hairstyles. When a girl goes from a little girl to adulthood, she’ll get a hairpin. Her hairstyle changes to a less girly hairstyle. Most likely one with a bun.
3. Ancestral Hall is a place where someone can show their filial piety. A common central feature of the ancestral temples are the ancestral tablets, that embody the ancestral spirits.The ancestral tablets are typically arranged by seniority of the ancestors. Altars and other ritual objects such as incense burners are also common fixtures. Ancestors and gods can also be represented by statues

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