- I didn't take birth control.

- Wait. You didn't do it because you didn't want to or you just forgot. 

- I can't answer you because I didn't want to take it so maybe because of that I forgot about it.

- You know, right? This is your body, so you are the only one who will decide. - Stefano put his head on my stomach and kissed my thighs.

- Thank you.

- For what?

- For being kind to me and my family. I was mean to you. 

- You didn't know about me a lot.

- As you.

- No, Belli. I did. I knew about you a lot before you knew about my existence. - He took my underwear and throw it somewhere. - I knew about you a lot but now I like to know more.

Stefano buried his face between my legs and kiss there.

- Stefano-oh...

- Do you want to know about it? - His tongue licked me. - Well, when my parents told me about all of this, I wanted to know more. - He kissed my thigh. - I sent the detective so I had your full information with your photos...

- O-oh, w-wait... - I breathed heavily. - W-when...

- You were fifteenth. I must say that you were already hot at that age. - He smirked.

- He-ah. - He came inside of me with his tongue. Sweet torture. - Um, w-we... ah...st-stop.

- Why? - He looked at me with a worried face.

- I will come tomorrow with you to that Cole and... today is my turn. - I flirted.

- Sorry baby but you are too sweet so today is mine. And ok, we will come together but now don't you dare to think about it. Think of my tongue inside you... - He kissed my ankle and licked me again.


- Are you ready, mia regina?

- Yes, let's go. 

We left our mansion and Stefano drove us to the base. 

- Here. - He opened the door.

- Cool, it seems a lot like London.

- You were at your base in London?

- Yeah, my father was there a lot so I often came to him there. There was my first fight.

- With whom?

- Klaus. I won. - I smiled.

- You won because I let you. - Klaus came out of his car and hugged me.

- Hello. - Stefano greeted Klaus and we came inside.

- Hi! Ouch, regina came to us today. - Nickolas hugged me.

- Yes and I want to beat you.

- Not only you, dear. - Stefano whispered but we heard him.

- Hey!

- Ok, ok. We are for weapons, where is it? - I asked them and Nick smirked.

- Here. 

We followed him and came inside the big dark room with light shelves. 

- What do you like to...

- Knives. - I interrupted our friend and went to stand with knives.

- Take at least one gun with you. - Stefano whispered to me and kissed my ear.

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