Chapter 3: The door opens and now I can't forget

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TW: Mentions of cutting and picture of.. yes


Oh.. wait what!?

I swear I just... nevermind

I turn off my alarm clock and get out of bed to get ready for school.


I wait for Sayori outside her house still thinking of the nightmare I had..

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see..


Just the thought makes me want to vomit.

First I see her hanging; now something telling me she isn't real.

What is going on..?

What's next? Someone playing a game on their computer that has us in it..?

Oh wait Sayori is still here-

She gives me a concerned face.

"Are you okay, MC?"
She asks as she fixes her bow.

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine..!"
"Let's just go to school before we're late."
I give her a smile and turn around to walk to school.

After classes again..

I walk to through the corridors trying to find the 'Literature Club' without focusing on my surroundings.

I eventually 'find' it and swing the door open thinking Sayori's probably already there.

I glance around the room.

It's empty and looks untouched.

Have I entered the wrong room..?
Maybe I should start focusing on my surroundings more often..

I say to myself as I walk backwards and close the door.

I look at the bulletin board and see the same posters that you see every time you pass by to go to the 'Literature Club'.

Meaning I'm near..

I walk a bit further and look at the poster on the door and swing it open.

"Ah, welcome back MC.."
Yuri greets as Sayori walks towards me while I close clubroom the door.

"Sooooo, did you remember to write your poem?"
She asks as she narrows her eyes.

"Of course I did.."
"I'm not as irresponsible as you."
I defend myself on whatever thoughts she was thinking about me.

She pouts and looks away.

We hear soft laughing coming from.. Yuri?

"A-Ah! I wasn't eavesdropping It's just m-my book..!"
She quickly defends and looks down to her book.

"Ehehe~ you're so funny, Yuri!"
Sayori laughs completely forgetting about the argument we had.

'What's happening..?'
The world around me is starting to look like a screen from a computer.

It's trying to make me see this as a game.

But I'm not giving in to their trap!

What the heck..!?



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