Chapter 4: Just end me already

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Why is this happening to me?
What did I do to deserve this?

This has to end..

I rush downstairs and grab a knife then I-

Gosh darn it! I-It hurts!

Why did I-...

Whatever, I'll just get ready for school..

I go back upstairs and go to the bathroom with my towel..

After a shower...

I put on my uniform and brush my hair.

I go downstairs to kitchen and prepare toast and egg since I wouldn't be late if I did.

I eat it all up and brush my teeth, grabbed my bag and left my house after putting my shoes on.

I cross the street and wait for Sayori to come out.

I hear Sayori scream.

"Eh, What's up with your word choice today?"

"We're Japanese aren't we?"
Sayori pouts as she face palms at me.

I mean it doesn't seem like it since we're speaking English.

I mean if the player set the language to Japanese it would make more sense-

Wait what the flip am I talking about!?
Ugh, not those dreams again...

Stop affecting me you-!

"Now it's gonna be your fault if we're late!"

"Ah, s-sorry!"
She grabs my hand and drags me to school.

After class...

I walk to the club room and swing the door open.

I was met with Sayori.

"MC, you're late!"
Wait since when?

I always arrive at this certain time so how the flip am I late!?

"I think your watch is broken, Sayori."

She looks at her watch, then looks at Monika's watch.

"Waaaa!? But I just got the time checked yesterday!"

Or maybe our watches are the one wrong timed.

But anyways-

"Okay everyone!"
"Since everyone's here let's share our poems."
Monika says to change the subject.

Which I appreciate since I don't know how it got to that point.. maybe I do.

But cutting the subject into pieces I take my notebook out of my bag and open it to the page I last wrote on.

Sayori, for once, doesn't go directly at me.
Meh whatever, I'll just go to Y-

Oh.. well I'll wait I guess.

Huh.. Natsuki's the one approaching me?

"Why didn't you come play with me?:
"I was waiting for so long.."
What is she saying!?
Didn't she want me to like.. stay away?

Her eyes suddenly pop out- Wait.. POP OUT!?


Huh? She's alright..?
Must be me hallucinating again...

"Are you gonna give me your notebook or what?"
As mean as ever, Natsuki.

"A-Ah, yes sorry.."
I hand over my notebook to her and she raises an eyebrow.

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