⚠Chapter 7 : Gently open the door

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(A/N : I don't know where I'll be going with this chapter but if I go to that point then.. AHAHAHA SENSITIVE TOPICS MWAHAAHAHA.. please stay safe. SKIP THIS CHAPTER OR DROP THE FIC idc. Stay safe >:(( grrr)

"Are you sure?"
Sayori nods her head as she grabs my hand and squeezes it tight.

"It's alright, I had fun today!"
She shows me that sad smile again as I start to feel guilty.

I feel tears forming in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall.

"S-" I felt my voice tremble. I didn't wanna worry her so I stop and smiled.

"I have to go now.." she lets go and walks towards the main entrance to my house. "See you on the festival, MC!"

I nod as I walk towards the door as well.


It was the night before the festival. Or at least the same day we made the items for it.

I feel butterflies in my stomach, but not in the way you think it is. But a strange feeling of guilt washed over me.

Why do I feel like Sayori's going to... AH!!

I get up from my bed and swing my front door open as soon as I went downstairs and ran towards Sayori's house and opened the gate and invaded her room. M-Maybe that's not the best way to say it but..

"M-MC?!" She looks at me in shock as she saw tears roll down my cheeks coming from my eyes.

"S-Sa-ayori.." My voice can't contain itself and shivers.

She was in a strange position and she seemed to realize it and closes her closet fast, but not as fast as I got here.

"Is something the matter? W-Why are you here and why are you crying?" She seemed worried.

But all I did for response to her question was run towards her and embrace her.

I didn't feel like telling her the reason so I just half-lied."I-I ha-a-ad a night-m-mare that you were g-o-one..!"

"MC.. Shh.. it's alright" she says while rubbing my back. No it's not, Sayori..

I feel her heart beating fast. Mine was also as well, I can't deny. I was terrified of losing my best friend, not to mention my childhood best friend.

"I-I'm so-or-rry, Sa-ay-y-ori.." I was scared I would have lost you..

"Shh.. What was it about?" Oh. I'm ultra done for..

"Y-yo-ou.." sh*t. "I-I.. you.." AHA! "Yo-ou di-d-dn't-t ex-i-ist..!"

Sayori tightened the hug as I wet her pajamas because of my tears.

"S-So-orry.." I didn't mean t-to burden you..

"It's okay, MC.. You don't need to apologize.. after all, If I was in the same position as you.. I'd run to you."

I let her loosen the hug and she runs her finger up my cheek as she wipes my tears.

"I'm glad you're worried about me!" no you're not.. "You can sleep her for the night. There is a festival tomorrow, I wouldn't want you worried all night about me."

She walks me to her bed and we sleep together.

At the morning..

It was the day of the festival. I don't feel like going, I'm tired.

"Mmm.." I let out an unexplainable sound.

"Oh?" Huh? Sayori's awake..? "You're awake, MC!"

"S-Sayori... nnnnggh.." I turn to face the other side of the bed as I throw the blanket over me.

It's all just a Game || DDLC Fanfic || Probably Aware MC AU..?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt