Outside Country On

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A few months later
Turning my alarm off I climbed out of the bed I entered the closet in a house my parents owned down south. They had bought some patch of land a years before I was born. Growing up my dad would take me hunting so I decided that Luke should bring the boys out here. Tying my cameo boots and shrugging on my jacket I opened my bedroom door. Entering the kitchen I saw Luke was helping Tate with his boots. "Y/n, you're coming with us!" Bo said with excitement when I picked up a crossbow since that was what I hunted with when I got my first deer.

. "Yes she is Bo Bo. She's gonna be our guide in a way." Luke grabbed the geer walking the trail into the woods away from the house. It had been a little while since I became the fiancee to a country singer. We hadn't started planing the wedding since it seemed easier to just be engaged for a year or so. Luke didn't want to pressure me and I didn't want to make him into marriage. Since it wasn't long that he had been divorced from Caroline. Stopping in my tracks I moved some leaves helping Bo get set up in the direction we hoped the deer would come from.

Luke and Tate sat across the road pressed up against another tree across the front us. Sitting with my back against the tree Bo sitting in between my legs. The crossbow was being held on a stand I had. Glancing over to my fiance he was telling his youngest what he was supposed to do. Tate was trying to get his very first deer this weekend. So I was letting him have that moment with his father. Laying my head back I closed my eyes for a few seconds Bo shakes my arm pointing out the sunrise rising through the trees with a smile. Leaves were falling ontop of us and it was an hour till we heard foosteps coming our direction. "Luke." I called in a whisper his direction so he does a few calls sounding like a doe. Bo holds the crossbow steady against his chest when we locked eyes on a nice six point buck. Another came around that looks like a four pointer.

Luke helps Tate hold up the gun up against his chest whispering in his ear carefully instructions. "Which one you taken Bo?"

I asked seeing his brother was already lined up on one of them. "The six." Carefully raising four fingers I pointed towards Tate knowing Luke would know what it meant.

Two shots went off at the same time but the gunfire from the gun rang through the woods. The four falls to the ground immediately. But the six runs off a little ways so Bo and I quickly got to our feet rushing forward. "There's a trail Y/n." He pointed to some light drops of blood going down the hill.

Whipping my head around to Luke he was patting Tate on the back grinning. "We're gonna go find the other one." I told him before taking Bo's hand in mine and slinging the crossbow which I reloaded over my shoulder. My boots slide down the hill and I fall on my butt laughing a little.

"I've got you. Y/n." Bo helps me to my feet where we kept walking to find the deer laying in a small creek.

Pulling out my phone I dial Luke since we weren't going to be able to carry it up the hill. "Hey we found it. You and Tate bring yours down here and we'll do pictures."

He replied hanging up quickly. "Copy that darling." Bo lifts up the head smiling at the deer when I bend down on a knee ruffling his hair like Luke does.

He gives me a weird look where I asked. "What's up, Thomas?"

He shrugged his shoulders giving me a weak smile. "Can we call you mom or is that weird?" Avoiding his gaze for a moment I suck in a breath not sure what to say.

Luke and I hadn't had the discussion on them calling me mom yet. I assume we would do it after the wedding or something. "You can call me whatever you want, kiddo. I know you're daddy won't mind." Luke and Tate finally make it down so I had the boys sit behind their kills with the weapon laying in front of them.

Luke stands beside me until I shoved him forward holding my phone up to take the picture. "Get in there, cowboy." The three gave me a smile until Luke grabbed me by my belt tugging me down with them on the ground. He holds up the phone so we could all get in the selfie. It took us a few hours to get the deers all taken care of but thankfully we ended up sitting around the campfire Luke had done.

Luke wrapped his arms around me with me sitting on his lap hearing me humming a random toon to myself. "What are you singing over there, hmm?" Shrugging my shoulders my hair falling loose down my shoulders I saw his guitar leaned up against his chair.

"I think I just got an idea for a song. Give me the guitar.." He picked it up handing it to me where I started playing it since he had it tooned already. "People talkin' 'bout what is and what ain't country. What gives 'em a right to wear a pair of beat-up boots? Is it the size of your tires and your fires, or your wild ass buddies? Well, give me a minute, let me hit you with some hometown truth. You could be a cowboy on the Texas plain. Or a plowboy waitin' on the rain. We're all a little different, but we're all the same. Everybody doin' their own thing."

"I got my dirt road cred when I was twelve. On a no cab tractor hauling them bales. Backing in boats, fishing limb lines. Running bird dogs through the Georgia pines. Step side cover down in peanut dust. Friday night spotlighting, that was us. It might not've been you, but I can't judge. Just be proud of what makes you country." Luke caught onto what I was doing so he puts his hand over mine playing the guitar with me. "Does it run in your blood?Did it come from your daddy and mama?. Where you converted by an Alabama song on the radio? That feels so right. Did you lock eyes with a little green-eyed girl from Jackson? Tell me what got ya, I just gotta know. Me, I got my Sunday learning in a Live Oak church. Silver cream corn in a backyard dirt. Waiting for the fall to finally come along. So I can grab by gun and get my outside on." Tate and Bo had gotten up to start dancing around the burning fire howling like wolves at the moon.

Luke and I grinned up at each other still singing the song together. He looked handsome in the fire light making me smile. "Might be from a city or a little farm town. Whatever kind of square that you drove around. Do you wear in on your sleeve or keep it deep down? You know you gotta let it out. I got my dirt road cred back when I was twelve. On a no cab tractor hauling them bales. Backing in boats, fishing limb lines. Running bird dogs through them Georgia pines. Step side cover down in peanut dust. Friday night spotlighting, that was us. It might not've been you, but I ain't judging. Just be proud of what makes you country." He leans forward kissing me quickly ignoring the boys sounds of disgust before finishing the new song. "Whatever makes you country. You do your kinda country. They doing they kind of country. I do my kind of country. Whatever makes us country." Luke sits the guitar down wrapping his arms around my waist. I lay my head on his chest sighing in relief watching the stars above us until we got tired.

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