Sirzechs: Enter.

A maid came in quickly and bowed.

Maid: Lucifer-sama, your guest is ready - pointing to the door.

Sirzechs: Let them through.

Maid: With your permission - proceeding to leave and making way for someone to come in.

Someone entered the room, which remained in a great silence.

That person was a brunette with pale skin as if he were sick, a black shirt, black pants, a black jacket but with red details on the sides, and black dress shoes. His hair was drooping, so one did not see his eyes, and he transmitted a vibe of coldness.

No one in the room knew who he was, they were waiting for the Oppai Dragon, a cheerful person, perverted, who dresses with bright colors, who transmitted an aura of joy and perversion, but who was the person in front of them. Only recognizable by Sirzechs, Serafall, Sona, her peerage, Tannin, Odin, Yasaka, and Sairaorg, they knew who was the person in front of them. Some were speechless, and Sirzechs was in shock.

Riser: Hey, who are you? We are waiting for someone, better leave - increasing his aura.

Issei: Oh, the shitty chicken doesn't remember the person who put his pride in his ass - sitting in the chair that was for him.

Riser: Wha.. you damn... - about to get up but his father stopped him.

Issei: Hello everyone, for whom that does not recognize me, I am Issei - his tone was cold.

Many in the room were surprised, many got up from their seats.

Some: What! - a shocked scream sounded throughout the room.

Issei: Hello, how are you doing? - his tone is now calm.

Venelana: I..Is...Ise, what's happened to you, are you ok? - with great concern.

Issei: Hello, Vene-chan, and to answer your question, yes, more or less.

Zeoticus: Issei, are you sure you're fine, you look horrible - his expression is similar to his wife.

Issei: I'm okay - speaking calmly.

Everyone had many questions but someone spoke seriously, interrupting them.

Sirzechs: Issei, I want you to please tell us everything - looking at him very seriously.

Issei: Ok, Ajuka, could you use a spell so that everyone can see my memories.

Ajuka: Hmm, what for? - confused by the request.

Issei: Well, it is better that you see it than to explain it, oh, and another thing, record this meeting - still calm, but his tone is cold.

Sirzechs: For what reason must we record it?

Issei: I will explain later - turning his attention back towards Ajuka.

Ajuka was not sure, but seeing Sirzechs nod, he did what was asked and the room turned white.

Ajuka: Alright, just think about the memory and it will reproduce.

Issei: Ok - closing his eyes and focusing.

Venelana: Hmm, what's going on, Issei, you're so serious that we have to see it.

Yasaka: Yes, that's true.

Issei: You will see.

The room, change of color, starting with everything from the beginning.

Those in the room were confused, when the room of Issei appeared, they saw how he went to school and when leaving, Ddraig informing him that he felt Ophis, and so everything began to happen as Issei sees a part of his harem with Vali, all his feelings were transmitted, many could not believe it, others would not believe it, all that sadness was immense, that broke the hearts of many who appreciated Issei.

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