Episode 1. Betrayal

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It was 4AM and the alarm went off piercing Raito’s ears.  A hand flew and slapped the alarm hard enough for it to fall off, what a classic scene. Raito yawned and picked up the alarm from ground, she squelched her eyes to check the time. It was damn early she could sleep 30 minutes more, thinking that she fell back to deep sleep. Moments later she heard her phone ringing; it had just been one minute!  And its 4AM! Is the whole world against her getting some sleep?? She rose up in anger and sat on the bed, she rubbed her eyes to clear off the blurriness, she picked up the call “who is it...” she said in a ruff voice “Its Alex. I knew that alarm couldn’t get you up that easily, you sleep like a wood log” he said laughing to himself  “so you went ahead to disturb my sweet slumber?..” she said in a sad voice “mhm…now get ready, meet me in 30 minutes at Golden Apple (A Garden)” he said and hung up the call. Raito got up from bed after full mental preparation that its morning. After getting ready it was 4:20 and she had 10 minutes to prepare her parents breakfast, ‘why can’t they just do it themselves... oh right they’re lazy’ she thought giggling to herself. She went ahead and made salad for her mom, eggs and bacon for her father, when she was cooking she got a bit distracted and the bacon burnt a little, and there goes the last bacon… before she could do anything to make it better her mother came yawning out of her bedroom and stretching her body, she sat down on the table “The foods late.” She said in a demanding voice. Her father came from the bedroom and groaned “make it quick brat!” he said, Raito rolled her eyes, she decided to serve the boiled eggs at least, “where’s my bacon?” her father said also in a demanding voice, Raito fidgeted as she didn’t know what to tell him “uhm well..” she said stretching the world ‘well’ long enough for him to lose his patience and go to the kitchen to see for himself, he went inside and smelt the burning bacon.. Anger rose even if it’s just a little thing “how to turn this sh*t on?” he asked, Raito showed him how by doing it herself, he poured some water in it and told her to rise up the flames and she did. After it showed bubbles her father grabbed her hand forcefully and was heading it towards the boiled water, she screamed and her mother entered the kitchen to see what the ruckus was all about, “hey!” she shouted to her father “leave it, you can beat her up later. 3rd degree burns are severe and I don’t want to waste my money on hospital.” She said to him “fine.” He said letting go of Raito’s hand, as soon she got the chance to run she grabbed her backpack and rushed out of her home, heading to Golden Apple (a garden) where her friend was already waiting.  “took you long enough” he said, he was going to give a long lecture about how he is already early but he stopped seeing Raito was a miserable crying mess, “hey.. What’s wrong?” he said putting a hand around her shoulder “nothing...” Raito replied still totally miserable “are you okay?” Alex asked “I AM FINE!” she shouted and wiped her face “take a chill pill... cool down a little” Alex said ‘Im sorry its just…’ she sighed heavily ‘my parents…you know how they are’ she said, Alex nodded, he knew if he asked her more about it she wouldn’t tell him anyway so he decided to quit it, they walked their way to where their bicycles were parked in an awkward silence. They cycled their way to school it was all silence but Alex could see her red puffy eyes and her trying to hold her tears in all the way to their school. They had come to school early on purpose, they were supposed to clean up the lab after or before school; they decided it would be better if they just finished it ASAP. After they had finished cleaning they decided to go get some fresh air outside, only to see Alex’s new friends already there. Recently Alex has gotten friends with some bullies he refers it as ‘it’s better to be friends with them then being beaten up by then’ but it wasn’t exactly as simple cause they made Alex bully other students. His friends waved to him and he waved back ‘sit on that bench I’ll be back’ he said to Sam and she knew clearly why, before he went she was behind him advantage of Alex’s height they probably didn’t see her, he meant to tell her to “hide”. She understood why. He went to them and chatted along “goodness it’s so boring to be early! No students to beat up” that was Charles, he was the main bully just venting out his anger on other students and he seemed to be getting addicted to that, ”stupid just try finding some then” that’s Oscar, the other rich dick. They could bully anyone, the school was a common school with low fees and the rich children whose parents donated were never in trouble, it was so unfair. They did what Oscar suggested at end they divided up to search for students while Alex rushed to Raito. “Listen; go to the girl’s bathroom.” Alex pleaded “what? Why?” Raito said clearly confused “Go.” Alex said not answering the question “ Answer me!” said Raito “LISTEN JUST GO!” said Alex in quite a loud voice, he covered his mouth hoping the others did not hear, Charles did unfortunately. “Gather up! Alex found someone!” they all said, Alex had clear worry on his face “Alex..? What’s happening?” Raito asked in a small voice so Charles didn’t hear “I’m sorry…” he said. Raito was so confused why was he apologizing? She got her answer soon as she was surrounded by the ‘rich 5’ “Since you found her you know the drill” Said drick who was a dick. Alex was clearly between 2 decisions now 1. Bully your best friend 2. Get bullied by the 5 rich dickhead. He seemed to choose 1. Meanwhile Raito got so sure Alex would pick 2 so she could run and get the teachers to take them apart or defend Alex herself, she was thinking while her thoughts were interrupted by a punch that flew right across her face. She has a broken lip now and the other dickheads were also starting to hit her and now she has fallen on the ground when one of those riches decided to “STOP IT I THINK THAT’S ENOUGH!” he shouted “woahhh man what’s wrong with you” said Charles “I am done with putting up with you guys bullying everyone! AND THAT IS INTENSE I AM OUT and so will all of you be” he said lending a hand to Raito, she hesitated at first but he flashed a smile ensuring he didn’t have any bad motives. “Woahhh man listen I thought we had an agreement, you do not bully but u can stick with us” said Oscar. Meanwhile Lucian Raito’s other friend came running as soon as he saw her, he looked at her beaten up face and bruises. He glared at the bullies and without a word threw a punch at Charles. OK this was a bad day for Charles that he deserved as nobody ever stood up to him especially ever hurt him. With that the fight has begun. Meanwhile Raito was standing there with EX BULLY helping her to stand since Charles stepped in between her joint. She totally did not notice she the clenching on his shirt, she was too focused on watching Lucian not knowing what to do, and she didn’t want to interfere since Lucian seemed to be winning this fight. More students walked in and crowd formed, eventually a teacher broke them apart and was giving them a speech. “We might want to head to the office” said the EX BULLY staring at her elbow that was bleeding “uh I guess so... thank you” she said trying to stand on her own but fell back, the EX BULLY ended up taking her to the nurses office and they were not able to find a nurse since they were all at the office dealing with the bullies and Lucian, so that’s how the ex bully ended up helping Raito with her wounds, Actually he has only been a bully since last 2 days so she wouldn’t consider him that bad. “I uh... Didn’t catch your name?” she said breaking the awkward silence “Its Elijah” he said “what’s yours?” he asked “Raito” she said, the awkward silence was there again this time Elijah broke it. “Don’t worry about them again, I am trying to get my father to step in and lighten this issue of rich kids getting by and might report the school for it too if they don’t sort it” he said in a very calm voice, he has a british accent which was quite new and Raito certainly had never heard it “Why do you talk like that tho? Sorry I do not mean to be rude” she said “Oh its accent, I cant help it” he said “I come from Britian so I have its accent” he said trying to explain “Oh I am sorry I have never heard it before so I just..” she stopped not knowing what to say “im sorry!” she said, she had a habit of saying Sorry “what? No no its completely alright” he said and laught nervously, by the time the chat had ended he was done with the wounds too. ”thank you for helping me” Raito said “its always a honour to help my classmate” he said “But we are not in the same class?..” she said “Yes we were not but now we are since Katy dropped out and that means your classroom has space for me” He explained “Oh. She replied

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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