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Name : Raito Age : 17 Personality : A introverted music addict, Habit of hiding emotions and at the same time cares too much about other emotions

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Name : Raito
Age : 17
Personality : A introverted music addict, Habit of hiding emotions and at the same time cares too much about other emotions.
Other info : Has abusive parents, a father only caring about s3x and Money, A mother only after fathers money, her mother was pressured for a child and there Raito was. Her father abused her whenever he was angry of work.

Name : AlexAge : 17 personality : is very popular, extravert, almost all girls crush on him at schoolother info : Alex's parents are very rich, he and sam are childhood friends, he only talks to her alone cause it can affect his popularity

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Name : Alex
Age : 17
personality : is very popular, extravert, almost all girls crush on him at school
other info : Alex's parents are very rich, he and sam are childhood friends, he only talks to her alone cause it can affect his popularity.

Name : Lucian Age : 18 Personality : is an Introvert , likes being alone , dosent communicates , always a bit sadOther info : Lucian used to get bullied at school, but he learnt to fight back and now he goals to protect everyone that gets bullied

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Name : Lucian
Age : 18
Personality : is an Introvert , likes being alone , dosent communicates , always a bit sad
Other info : Lucian used to get bullied at school, but he learnt to fight back and now he goals to protect everyone that gets bullied.

That's all important characters you need to know! Hope you enjoy loves! 💞

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