02•Hank and Dawn

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I hate driving

Who even stays awake this long it's torture

You've been driving for 30 minutes its not that bad

I didn't ask you to say anything

For the last time I am your conscience, I.. DON'T.. NEED.. PERMISSION.. TO SPEAK

Jeez, no need to be so grumpy about it

And she didn't... well I didn't respond again

Grumpy much

I've been driving for a while now, in a rented car that I know Bruce will have to replace soon because he has me running after Dick......

That sounded so wrong

He has me running after Grayson


The endless road and listening to a chase atlantic song that a radio station played, 'Meddle about' to be specific kept me company so I was shaking my head left and right singing or yelling the lyrics out while increasing the speed of the car

"CAUSE IT'S NOT JUST A FIGURE OF SPEECH, YOU GOT ME DOWN ON MY KNEES ITS GETTING HARDER TO BREATHE OUT!!!" And I saw a little bunny on the road and I stopped the car so quickly I hit my head on the steering wheel.

That's gonna leave a mark

Oh so now you have something to say

I groaned pulling over on the side of the road to get out of the car so I can get my bag out of the trunk for something to cover it up because there's a deep gash trailing from a little below my hairline to my hair on the right side of my head

Just get glasses and you'll be the female version of Harry Potter


I put a band aid on and let my body do it's job. I the checked graysons tracker because I need to sleep later.

I typed my password, then completed biometrics and only then I proceeded to find him.... he's at Hank and Dawn's place, what's he doing there

Your going there dumbass, so you'll find out when you get there

Point taken

So I got in the car and turned the radio off so that whatever just happened doesn't happen again

At least she's responsible

Oh shut it

The drive was long and tiring but I got there when the sky was pitch black and twinkling with countless stars and a breeze this so cold that you could see your breath in a cloud of mist.

I walked into the building after a lot of debating

Or stalling

Okay I was stalling

I knocked on the door where Hank and Dawn stay waiting for someone to answer.

No one came to the door so I knocked again waiting, I was then met with the face of the one guy I hated with every fibre in my body but still love and miss with all my heart.

Dick Grayson


"Eleanor?" He asked confused and I walked in putting my suitcase and case down.

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